
Well, Georgia has had a lot of practice at this, so...

Specific to doggie downers:  a significant minority of dogs actually get a stimulant effect from them, so probably not the first thing you want to try.

It’ll turn into the same reason why people watch NASCAR:  for the wrecks.

So we let the Nazis win?

There’s only one major flaw with this plan: most Americans—even the middle class ones—live paycheck to paycheck. They don’t have the safety net necessary to take these kinds of risks. Most will keep their heads down and take the beating because it’s safer than sticking their necks out.  Which is a feature, not a bug,

Doesn’t matter.  If she leaves, they’ll just replace her with Ivanka.

Nevermind that, literally, every study ever done on increasing the minimum wage has always, always, always proven a net economic positive--especially for the actual workers--employers will still bitch about this non-existent problem.

I’ve often countered it with, “your problem isn’t that they’re getting paid too much.  It’s that you’re getting paid too little.”  I’ve never had a problem getting a head nod with that.

I thought it got pulled even from the long form back in the 1950's.

Here’s a question I haven’t seen asked yet:  Doesn’t DC have the authority to not issue a permit for this “parade”?

What was the nickname they gave the Sherman?  Something about a lighter brand:  “Lights the first time.  Every time.”

I’ve actually taken a sharp stick in the eye--and would do it again over getting a Jetta.

Oh, and the 25% figure is from two studies, not one, coming from entirely different study groups.  Once again:  facts matter.

I used to get the Newman’s original BBQ sauce, until my store stopped carrying it.  Now, I’m just sort of wandering in the wilderness.  Currently working my way through a bottle of Stubb’s original.  It’s decent, but oddly devoid of flavor of any kind.

Yes, that’s even less: 10% of Sanders voters who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton, and who—let’s be honest—were never going to vote for Hillary Clinton—ever.

Now playing

Why? I thought it was a pretty good movie.

Actually, no, you don’t know what it looks like because that little fantasy that you use to sleep at night didn’t actually work out that way. Bottom line is idiots like you drank the Kool-Aid, and shoved all (and there were plenty) concerns to the side in spite of all the overwhelming evidence to indicate that it

I have still yet to hear the follow up to the “abolish it” statement.  Abolish it and then...what, exactly?  Ain’t no way you get Congress--even the January-July 2009 Congress--to just up and eliminate all aspects of border and immigration oversight.  So...what do you do after cleaning house?

He’s not going to win the nomination and continuing to think he can or should win will only embitter him and his supporters to the inevitable result. And we know what that looks like in the end.

Your post reminds me of a Carlin rant: