That’s hilarious.
That’s hilarious.
Damned Commie.
Well, what they really say is that abortion laws would “simply be returned to state discretion”, which is not really their objective. What they really want is to outlaw it nationwide.
I remember the first time I got a glimpse into how badly we pay teachers. I was working as a dishwasher in a restaurant while I was in high school. At some point within my first week, I saw a math teacher that I recognized from school working as a server in the restaurant. I couldn’t believe it--this guy is a…
Sadly, President Obama was always more interested in getting Republicans to like him than to do what was right.
It’s particularly interesting that you’re so quick to dismiss the sources which come from an organization whose entire purpose is the study of the efficiency and outcomes of healthcare organizations around the world. It’s almost as if you think that their expertise is a reason to dismiss their findings—particularly…
Generally good suggestions. I will say that, for my part, my wife was simply being unreasonably selfish and absolutely refused to even have a discussion about it. Then, when my complete lack of desire became obvious (because it’s very difficult to feel desire for someone who is that self-centered), we talked about…
It’s OK to discriminate as long as a small minority of extremists within your religion are cool with it.
I deal with ignorance swiftly, and with zero mercy. This is an issue, in particular, which I’ve been studying for years as part of my advanced degree, so all these boneheads with their “but, but, muh cuzin’s wife’s sister’s muma knows someone from Canadia and they heard about this one time that a kid DIED” can choke…
In my experience, it usually boils down to one of two factors:
That’s because those regressive and unhealthy states also, generally speaking, have terrible educational systems. This makes the ignorant populace easier to dupe.
But wait! There’s more!
I’m going to say the odds are somewhere between zero and absolutely fucking never.
For damned sure, restaurants don’t want inspectors showing up at any point between 11am and 2pm. Either arrive before the lunch rush or after, for Christ’s sake.
Agreed. Just relax if you’re not going to meet your goal of owning a home by the time you’re 30. Hell, couldn’t buy my first house until I was 41. It was a drag renting all that time, but I expect to live until I’m 90, so half a century as a home owner is still pretty good.
I’m glad you asked:
Make no mistake: all the BS about wait times in single payer nations is just that. The people in this country who spout that crap are only talking about a select few specialties--specialties which are also high revenue generators. When it comes to primary and preventative care (which doesn’t make a ton of money), we…
I don’ tknow why, but I really love that Congressman Lieu’s wife is named Betty.
I submit that our constitutional crisis began when Scalia croaked.