
Come on, man, you’re smarter than that. Pre-2003, ICE was INS, which came into existence in 1933, with legislation that had replaced the previous federal immigration enforcement regime that had been established in 1890, which itself had replaced the prior federal immigration regime which had been established in 1882.

If deer were part of every baseball game, my wife would actually watch.

I’m guessing Europe, based on the shape of the license plates.

Hell, I remember the 2008 election when there were all these bumper stickers on the trucks (it was always trucks) of McCain supporters:  Better an imperfect Conservative, than a perfect Socialist.  Give me a fucking break.

...and replace them with, what, exactly?  Ain’t no way you’re going to simply eliminate an immigration enforcement agency--especially since we’ve had one under various and sundry names since 1882.  Not even Senator Sanders supports eliminating the concept of immigration enforcement.

The Senate is undemocratic by design, to appease rural slave-holding states.

Yeah, I’m definitely going to support the Mayor of South-Fucking-Bend, Indiana for President of the United States.

Bingo.  The headline for the article should be:  don’t go into debt for your kids.

You would be amazed at how many parents I deal with who, without fail, consider their Very Special Children to be Elite.

The minute Hillary starts openly supporting Uncle Joe, every single Clinton sycophant in the party will line up and fuck us just like they did in 2016.

So, David, I gather you made it home?  Haven’t heard anything about Project Postal in a week.

The only matter at issue is whether we, the US, can be viewed as negotiating in good faith.  It’s not even about NK, as we’ve demonstrated quite a number of times over the past couple of years, that we are simply incapable of either doing so on the front end, or maintaining treaties signed by prior administrations. 

Here we fucking go.  She simply cannot just go the hell away and stop fucking up our chances to be rid of Trump.  Guess who will be campaigning for Uncle Joe?

Yeah, I mean aside from that whole negotiating in bad faith thing, which is only going to make antagonistic nations less likely to want to negotiate with us on, literally, anything in the future.  But, you’ve never been particularly bright, so your comment is entirely in character.

I used to live in a state that didn’t have a lottery and then instituted one. One of my co-workers had moral issues with lotteries and would complain about how this change by the state would be bad for people. But, on the first day the lottery took effect, he bought a scratch ticket...and won $1,000. Suddenly, his

This should be the new tag for Biden stories.

Respect goes both ways, but FUCK YOU PAY US MORE JUST BECAUSE.


I mean, we already have a digital slave scheme with all of the uncompensated people getting their data hoovered up every time they interact with the Internet.  That being said, I plan to sit back and watch what happens with this, considering the old adage about something being too good to be true.

Or...put your pet down.