
Let’s report the REAL news, shall we? The one story you won’t print?

You’re ruining the royal mission of comparing any heinous act to publishing the Hogan tape.

Speaking of lawsuits, update your resume, bitch.

No one is calling him sexist, we’re saying this shows he’s not committed to gender equality. For someone to actually be committed to equality, you have to do more than not be sexist. Simply not being sexist explicitly isn’t enough to make progress. Leaders like Justin Trudeau and Hillary Clinton made the effort to

Wait, are you suggesting that there are so few qualified women that a campaign that employs 324 of them has used up the total supply? Really? That’s some serious Republican level justification you’re working.

It’s Clinton Derangement Syndrome again: she cannot do ANYTHING without somebody from either the left or the right trying to twist it into a balloon-animal of Eeeevil.

You’re right, Bernie employs 38 less women than men in his campaign, Hillary employs 122 more women than men, and Bernie definitely has the leg up on gender parity! You’re a mental gymnastics gold medalist!

When you refer to Hillary supporters in an immature manner it’s pretty safe to think you are immature as well and will be responded to as such. I don’t owe you “better” behavior when you won’t hold yourself to that standard.

Fair? No. Childish and immature? Yes. You just established that with your excuse, which is akin to a ten year old defending bad behavior by whining “well, he started it!”

Why do you think it’s so hard to believe that a 74 year old upper-middle class white man who has spent his entire career as a politician could be sexist? Sexism isn’t always writing “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” on the frosted glass of your campaign HQ, sometimes it is so ingrained in the way you think and act that you don’t

Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, sexism is so entrenched in our society that even socially progressive men like Bernie still feel more comfortable with men in high ranking positions. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, Hillary is hiring a bunch of women because, as a woman herself, and a long time champion of women in the workforce, she

On the same side? Bro you come up with the most implausible and sexist scenarios to wave away any criticism of his campaign. And you refer to people as “sHills.” You’re immaturity can’t help but come through. Please, you aren’t giving anyone a lesson. You’re spinning and twisting to give the old Bernster the benefit

Actually it’s not ammo; it’s a legitimate criticism to many. Implying that there just isn’t a good pool of women to work two campaigns is probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard a BernieBro say. Congratulations! We are all dumber for having read your comments.

If all of Clinton’s top staffers were male, you can be certain people would be attacking her relentlessly over it, so it seems fair to criticize Sanders about it.

“Lookin’ at you, Hillary...”

Berners will make any and every excuse for his every action. Ever. They literally believe that he has never and will never ever to anything wrong. Bernie has their complete and utter devotion. It’s a little scary.

Uh, on what planet does Hillary Clinton not care about or address equal pay? I know Bernie Sanders fan don’t like her, at all, but you can’t just make shit up about her record. She introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act and cosponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for christ’s sake.

He says what everyone wants to hear without realistic plans to implement them. So when he actually has a chance to implement something progressive, like equal pay and positions for men and women, why would he expect supporters to pay attention to the details when he doesn’t need to?

ilu simply for “somebrody”

ten highest paid staffers on Bernie Sanders’ campaign, not a single one is a woman.