
Loving Bernie and hating HRC because she’s not left-wing is something I don’t agree with but acknowledge is fine. But loving Joe fucking Biden while hating her is sexism, full stop

Not leaking off the record comments isn’t a principle - it’s a strategy.

Sanders said Vermont shouldn’t have gay marriage until 2009! The idea that he’s always been in favor of same-sex marriage is straight-up, 100% bullshit

Is that true? I read that Hillary did very well in the majority black precincts in Iowa, Nevada, and Massachusetts too, not just in the South

Nisha told the cops she remembered getting a phone call from Adnan and Jay “a day or two after Adnan got his cell phone.” It wasn’t a buttdial.

Trump supporters aren’t as bad as Berniebros. Obamabots weren’t exactly great, though. People remember that primary being a lot less vicious than it was

Of course there wasn’t one. Jez only covers Hillary when they need to tell us how horribly inauthentic going on talk shows is when female candidates do it.

I doubt many of them care enough to have noticed. No one who did could call a candidate calling for public funding for abortions “basically a Republican” with a straight face, but they do that all the time.

Um, a victim’s testimony is most definitely NOT circumstantial evidence. It’s as direct as it gets.

Did you know the transcripts of both trials and the entire documentation of the police investigation of Adnan have been released? Now that we have all the facts it’s really hard to argue he didn’t get a fair trial. He was convicted because he was guilty. Excellent argument against trusting documentaries to give you

I have to give some credence to the idea that’s all political. Like, of course there’s overwhelming evidence that he’s a serial rapist, but when has that ever made a difference? If he weren’t a famous black person he’d be Woody Allen: just as obviously guilty but upper middle class white “liberals” wouldn’t care at

They are so desperate to demean and harrass and beat and rape and kill that even when they do fear repercussions it barely stops them. Even the “good ones” are entitled, callous, egotistical jackasses who expect (and receive!) praise for not being actively malevolent. We’re required to believe that it’s all about

I think this is only part of the story about the “friend zone” whining and that there is something more sinister at work here: that men are more likely to think that women are not worth having as friends because they are women and are therefore worthless in general, while women are very unlikley to feel the same way