Still, I think you need to keep a strong military presence in Japan. The last 70 years may just have been Hirohito’s long game.
Still, I think you need to keep a strong military presence in Japan. The last 70 years may just have been Hirohito’s long game.
Gee, if it weren’t for her history of unflinching support for LGBT rights, I’d find this whole issue pretty worrisome.
This “narrative” (hereafter referred to as “the fact of the matter”) is confirmed by this exact link. Maybe you stopped reading right after the first sentence here:
“In broad trends, the data show that men are more likely to experience name-calling and embarrassment, while young women are particularly vulnerable to…
Uhuh. Sure. Because men are objectified the same way and their honour is linked to their virginity, the same way it is for women? Just equal opportunity condoning, right?
Pft. Go to any other Gawker-site comments section and you’ll see people complaining about Jez.
Maybe it’s cognitive dissonance? We were certainly told to our faces that we are equal and we can do anything we dream. Meanwhile the objectification and forced sexualization and socialized submissiveness continues unabated. One of those world views is nicer to believe in than the other. And citing the continuing need…
Women have been harassed for being women since the dawn of time. But sure, we’re super surprised it happens online too.
What do you mean, “becoming?” It’s been an established norm since online has been a thing.
“Becoming”? The women in my life all tell me it’s been the norm for as long as there’s been an Internet on which to be harassed.
As an adopted child, I just feel nothing but sadness for her current children. Boy does this story bring up feelings.
Ha, why do people keep saying that? It’s the silliest thing. He’s had MONTHS to make himself known to the black community. Bill Clinton wasn’t known to the black community outside of Arkansas when he first ran. Barack Obama wasn’t well known and the black community was initially cautious. They didn’t just jump on…
That’s what you get with Hillary, another DINO, this time with a set of ovaries though.
Nice to see someone dismissing a young girl’s involvement with activism while raising Bernie’s up to god like status.
Remind me, who tries to make Sanders look bad and vaguely disenfranchisd to the needs of racial minorities here (and not for the first time)?
Hillary Clinton has been advocating for minority families since she first graduated from law school in the 70s, was the first national political figure to take on the Flint crisis, and you are talking out of your ass.
Hillary started to look at minorities as “being more than servants” just recently? You do realize Clinton went undercover to investigate segregation academies in 1972?
No. Movies are for the one percent.
Obviously, Twitter is part of the Mainstream Establishment media that is trying to keep Bernie down. Gawd.
Oh great. Bring on the next stream of plaid-shirted white 30 year old men with dreadlocks sat behind the bar at the green tea emporium they work part time at in Williamsburg, sending messages (between working on their “screenplay”) about how black people don’t know what’s best for them.
Seems like exactly the kind of performance I’d expect out of millennials, honestly.