The problem is Tesla’s inability to uncover this alleged ‘sabotage’ until a significant downturn in business makes it look either: 1) a staged attempt to save face, 0r 2) incompetent.
The problem is Tesla’s inability to uncover this alleged ‘sabotage’ until a significant downturn in business makes it look either: 1) a staged attempt to save face, 0r 2) incompetent.
I have dibs on CrackCoin and CrackCoyn. Just wanted to put that out there before someone tried to steal my idea.
Good article- about time we all start judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin- regardless of where one falls on the racial divide.
Curious that running an obstacle course qualifies you to provide parenting advice.
“he’s also the first performer of “popular” music to receive it” Depending on how you define ‘popular’ music Bob Dylan received a Pulitzer albeit not for music. Which also begs the question, how does a genre devoid of instruments or the ability to read music earn a Pulitzer for music? Anybody can rhyme, Underdog…
Lawyers say lots of things, doesn’t necessarily make them true. Remember ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky’. I hope Colon Kap stays unemployed and the current NFL players can get back to doing what they do best: cheating drug screens and beating their wives/girlfriends. I’ll be over here…
‘Optics and ethics are two words that simply are lacking in the Trump family lexicon.’ You forgot monogamy.
This is the same rant she used when Anus, I mean Ennis got shot.
Sarah Huckabee is as cockeyed as the President’s view of the job he’s doing.
Nice spelling of ‘preasident’ (sic) #alternativespelling
BTW: As a California taxpayer, her smug attitude highlights the problem with the UC/CSU system. Hopefully CSU, Fresno takes it in the $$$Budget$$ for her comments.
You know- Meghan is twice the woman she used to be- literally.
Most NASCAR crews can change 4 tires and refuel in 11.5 seconds....just saying.
You’re right- its terrible. ‘she has the face of someone in desperately (sic) need of good sex.’ addendum: don’t forget her horrible taste in bright, red lipstick like a tween who raided mommies makeup drawer....
I would question the sanity of anyone married to Beavis in drag.
Kobe Bryant: rapist
I think Trump probably though that was the Sunshine he hires- he definitely is pro silicones.
Trump has a preference for people who ‘go down fast & hard’..............just saying.
I like gear drives- makes the car sound like it has a blower until it does have a blower.
Another Zuck trick is to purchase a diminutive, mail order bride. Helps with photo staging and she is more likely to sign a pre-nup.