Buster Poindexter

influencers’ losers convincing muggles to hand over $$$$ and fund their lavish lifestyle.

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: “To get the shit kicked out of you once, Ms. Panettiere, may be regarded as a misfortune; to get it done repeatedly looks like carelessness.” 

I would love the Mad Max 1000: Run whatcha brung and no rules! Thunderdome as midrace entertainment.

Why anyone would believe a disheveled neophyte...oh wait that’s Trump, Sanders, Biden, and Pocahantas Warren

Elizabeth Holmes did more to set back the STEM movement than John Holmes did to setback ERA. 

Like Erica Badhu & Alicia Keys, I believe in Karma: Kobadiddle went down in a helicopter crash that killed his daughter.

Poor Kobadiddle. I believe in Karma and the fact his daughter was on the doomed copter with him is Karma.

Who named this the coronavirus anyway? Coronas are from Mexico. The deadly virus is from China. Seems they should have named it the TsingTaovirus or SofaKingvirus.

A lot of people forget that Ettore Bugatti used to turn down a lot potential buyers because they were basically jerk offs. That is the target demographic for the modern ‘Bugatti’: jerk offs. In fact, the bigger jerk off the more likely that he/she/it will own multiple Bugatti’s. Speaking of which: Bugatti’s are French

She should’ve never been suspended. It is a fact that Kobe was arrested for sexual assault, charges were dropped when the accuser appeared reluctant to testify, and he settled a civil suit out of court for an undisclosed amount and an apology letter. Unless the Washington Post has Dr. Peabody’s Wayback machine- they

We’ll come in low out of the rising sun and about a mile out we’ll put on the music.’’

Shouldn’t the alphabet soup of government agencies employee employ bigly hackers to accomplish this on their own? Why are we funding their departments with bigly tax dollars if they can’t?

There is no small irony that ‘decontamination with soap and water’ is viewed as medical treatment in portions of Los Angeles County.

They seem to trot Greta Spurburg out every conference. She should go back to not circumnavigating the globe in a sailboat.

Car accidents don’t cause calcium deficiency. That’s red herring reasoning. We had 63F weather January 2nd so perhaps 63F weather was the cause?

2 of them are ensuring election integrity by eating up all the snacks...can’t say what the others are doing but this ad campaign is ‘sofa king’ retarded according to one participant

Wow! You have to smoke a lot of crack to come up with that conspiracy theory. Just as an FYI: the reason white school districts are funded at a higher level is because white families generally earn more raising the local tax base (rappers and sportutainmenters excepted). 

Maybe we need to start reducing the world population? 

It’s official: Brian Kahn is an idiot.

New campaign slogan:Bloomberg: refilling the Swamp one billionaire at a time”