Oh...god...that's what I call everyone for whom I have affection. So embarrassingly Canadian.
Oh...god...that's what I call everyone for whom I have affection. So embarrassingly Canadian.
Oh I hate you, but I fear you may be right.
Tents in the rain are cozy, until something (or someone) touches the wall and breaks the "seal" or whatever it is...and then all hell breaks loose.
I hate to shit on your tradition, but holy hell, that sounds freakin' awful. Don't get me wrong, I love England like crazy, but I don't get the whole caravan-in-a-parking-lot-at-the-seaside thing....particularly because I didn't know "caravan" means "trailer."
I talk to my animals exactly like that. You only find these things out when you play back videos you've taken.
But Megan Follows!!
Yeah. This is just mean and totally unfair.
Oh, god. Don't remind me. I hate emoticons, but for some strange reason developed an affinity for the winky face...WHICH I USED ON MY GRAD COURSE ONLINE FORUM...MANY TIMES. My daughter had to tell me.
Oh, for christ's sake! He did a winky face! It was a joke on her joke!
Oh! I love that song! I hadn't listened to Deathcab for years and then that song was used in the closing credits of a show I was watching and I've been having a Deathcab-fest ever since. Great choice.
I've always liked that song, but I recently actually thought about the lyrics. Sooooo....the guy is basically telling the woman that her sexing skills could use improvement, right?
You took dancing lessons with your Dad? That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. PLEASE POST A VIDEO!
Eh. One year, my kid ate a rice cake and a candy cane for Christmas dinner. The rest of us ate very well.
And I love you so.
Yeah, you won, sister. Hazel is an old-lady name.
There were TWO huge piles of dog toys. Plus, the dog had hair accessories.
Hehehehehe...."he had a dong in the nineties".....hehehehe.
Except she could look like a total douchebag to a jury if she attacks women who have been sexually assaulted, couldn't she? I'm assuming if this goes to trial, it will be a jury trial.
But it's a ghost cake, so it doesn't matter.