Well...hi there.
Well...hi there.
An interviewer once asked Charlize Theron what she looked like when she woke up in the morning, and she said she looks like she did in Monster. For some reason, that made me very happy (though it's likely not at all true).
She sure likes scratching her armpits!
From her father's blog: "My daughter wasn't bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police." Here's the link: http://glencanning.com/2013/04/rehtae…
"Begging the question"....does not mean what you think it means.
Oh, god, I would be so happy and proud of kids like you and your brother. You try to pay, and your parents aren't willing to let go of the parent role. Fair enough—you've tried...let them pay!
I would totally buy that.
Because you want them to know that you're dining with them because it's a pleasure, not because they're picking up the cheque. My daughter is an adult, but not yet flush enough to afford eating out much, so I always pay for her.
No, I was trying to make a joke that the space program being a deal breaker for you would be a deal breaker for me. Lame joke.
How does it not make sense to pay for my parents if I invite them out?
Exact same issue here. And now I lose it if I see anyone help themselves to something off anyone else's plate (doesn't have to be mine).
Okay...I'm not proud of this, but I like that. I've had a man pee with a car between us, and I liked it. A man spits on the street and I'm totally disgusted, but I'm down for a public pee. How fuckin' weird is that?
Yeah, the space program....really? A deal breaker? That's a deal breaker.
You might be a deal breaker, darling. Cats and theatre...okay. Fuck Disney though...that's just weird.
Yeah, I totally get what you mean. You can borrow money off mom and pops and pay it back—that's cool. The problem is when someone "borrows" money from the parents with no intention of ever paying it back.
YES! I fucking HATE u2, and that self-important Bono can go fuck himself.
Ick. What a jerk. Lack of generosity is definitely a deal breaker. Plus, that guy was a narcissist: he had one set of rules for you and another for himself (because he's so special and important).
Did you pay them back?
These are good deal breakers.
Wow...and here I was thinking that I wasn't superficial, and then I read this and thought, "Fuck, that IS a deal breaker."