
EWWW. That movie room at "the mansion" just looks disgusting: velvet chairs, some with extra cushions to prop up the old coots. You just know that velvet is saturated with gross bodily fluids.

Was it The Manchurian Candidate with Angela Lansbury, who played the mother to a son who was, in real life, only two years younger?

Your second deal-breaker is a deal-breaker with me: I cannot stand people who ask what your hobbies are. For some reason, I find it incredibly intrusive. Ask me what I do for a living, if I have kids, etc. You can also ask me what kind of books I like, what kind of music I like, what kind of movies I like...fine.

Rude to servers.

As in life.

I like your style, TheRealBrightEyes, but I think the sibs are too close in age to the parents. Even Isla is almost forty, and Will and Rachel are mid-to-late forties. While Jenna Elfman is younger than Will and Rachel. Jeff is only early fifties and Patricia mid.

Yeah, in my forties, I was doing serious workouts and marathon running, so I often had running issues (knees from running, shoulders from weight machines). Now I walk a great deal, which seems pretty good for the back and core, so I think that's why I feel pretty good. I have to get back to the free weights, however,

Dat cat.

Yeah, whatever works.

If it makes you feel any better, my body hurt waaay more in my thirties than it does now...and I'm gettin' close to sixty. Nothin' hurts now, but every day of my thirties, something hurt. I think it's because I had little kids back then and was always wrenching something picking them up and running after them without

I just fucking love this chick like I love Britney Spears. Unless she's photographed for some glamorous event, Hayden (like Britney) just looks like she hangs out in the trailer park. Her face in repose actually looks like a normal person's face when they think no one's looking at them. Most celebrities know someone


And the five grand doesn't cover airfare.

Those jars are pretty though.

Yeah, twenty years ago, I was so broke, I would buy a package of bones for twenty-seven cents from the butcher and make delicious soup with the bones and a handful of vegetables. It lasted our little family for a couple of days of dinners.


I do get your point and agree, but would like to quibble with your opening line. When will we stop using women's hair colour as a way of defining them (and as nouns)? Can we call a moratorium on that particular sexist, reductive cultural phenomenon?

The picture they chose of Matt Damon makes him look like the South Park puppet version of him.

Now playing

ME TOO! I sing it ALL the time. I have to say the best version of that song is Brandy's and the worst is (sorry) Julie Andrews super-twee soprano version:

Whose regular poo is at 1:00PM??! That's just weird. You'd have to do it at work.