Dear God, someone needs to bring a calculator shopping.. how in the world could you be so far off?
Dear God, someone needs to bring a calculator shopping.. how in the world could you be so far off?
I literally had someone tell me yesterday that education needs to come before safety when I railed about school budgets including metal detectors and guards and the like...
Mr Bush is much the same... wants ME to demand it of him (I do not have a demanding edge whatsoever in the bedroom) and you know, I’ll say it. I didn’t start really cutting loose and enjoy receiving oral for a loooong time ... until my late 30s at least. Color me self-conscious for decades for whatever stupid…
I really really really really really really want Sessions to be next.
Jesus Christmas, when you put it like that! Just holy shitballs.
I mean... how in the flying fuck did ANYONE on Trump’s PR team come to the conclusion that the perfect thing to say is “Yep we’re firing him but we’re gonna hire him back!”
That little girl I could swear.. Fairuza Balk all day long.. and I’ve never heard of this! Watching tonight!
Interestingly, (and I’m from Buffalo which is surrounded by vast, vast country and the rednecks to match) I haven’t heard any of my gun-clinging comrades at work try to use the hunting excuse. And these people are ALL avid hunters... they prefer bow hunting even being huge gun enthusiasts. And by being huge gun…
Me too. Thought that was referencing his particular race.
Yupppp my basement flooded last weekend and my MENSA member partner (/s) forgot to turn on the sump pump.
This Trump fella just surrounds himself with such quality individuals, doesn’t he?
Exactly. I strongly believe some of these ‘Refusal Nurses’ are moles specifically applied for and put there to PREVENT as many abortions from happening as they can on their shift. They’re literally infiltrating the medical floor, having become dissatisfied with being resigned to screaming hatred and holding up…
Yep. That “Christian” nurse who went to work for PP KNOWING she’d refuse to participate in half her job duties... yet, we’re not allowed to discriminate employees based on religion. She’s openly discriminating against her patients, but should be allowed to continue working there scot-free?
Kindly just don’t work in fucking healthcare if you’re gonna pull this absolute bullshit.
Yeah but I’m liking the dude already in there (for once) I think in this circumstance, I’d leave well enough alone.
Elderly folks in assisted living situations will be exempt. Low income elderly folks still living independently but use Medicaid as a supplement to Medicare who are over 65 are exempt. PRIMARY caregivers of children, elderly family members, ill or terminally ill family members, or special needs children are exempt.…
Jesus, this was exactly me last night... took the word right out of my mouth.