
GenXer here too, and I don’t think I have to say out loud what a disappointment I was to my impossibly perfect mother, who somehow managed the fucking magic of pulling off a 35-year teaching career an hour from home every damn weekday of my childhood and ran the tightest ship imaginable at home. I’m talking dinner

Keep up the good work ;)

That’s the single biggest priority as far as I’m concerned.

I find hilarious the sheer number of Trumpers who exist in my immediate area of this country, by and large in the area I grew up which is a deep Red pocket within a deep Blue county... who smoke and grow weed on the daily. Gun-totin, ‘don’t tread on me’ Freedom-Eagle, Confederate flag kind of peeps.

I cannot stop thinking “Did this fool REALLY just SAY THIS SHIT OUT LOUD?”

So let’s make proven harrassment an impeachable offense.

That’s absolutely ridiculous... on no planet should it be this bad. Holy shit.

I would enjoy nothing more in my entire lifetime than to see a major shift in gender power in this current patriarchal bullshit misogynistic society we’re living in.

Yes, I do have it... I made him screenshot and text it to me as he was trying to delete the shit out of his phone for this exact reason. I’ve been holding onto it for a year, waiting for her to have the balls to say something like this ONE MORE TIME.... lol and behold, here he comes home last night saying he went to

That was the first thing out of my mouth, trust me.

My significant other is the union welder. Last year around Christmas, he went into the HR office to log a PTO request.

I mean... didn’t we decide a loooong ass time ago that probably don’t refer to Jewish people as “A JEW” because it makes you sound like an out-of-touch, insensitive, arrogant, ignorant, racist fuck?

Yep. Gay = Molester or Pedophile is one assertion that’s driven me absolutely batty for 40 years. Such bullshit.

It’s hilarious... she’s not even attempting subtlety anymore... at least she *tried* to fake this bullshit happy lady stuff in the first six months...

I mean, if this isn’t the face of the most miserable woman on the planet, I don’t know what is.

I’m LOVING the fact that this planet is suddenly not a good place to be if you’re a piggy male, yeah.

I agree.... a good friend of mine is a popular dancer here in my area and she barely affords her life what with school, etc... and she’s actually in demand and does local tours as a guest artist. She still ain’t Rollin in it :/

Do you honestly think if these women had more attractive employment options that they’d strip just for funsies?

That’s just absurd. You could be operating in the red half the time like that!