
Does he have any leeway in the amount of the award though? 150K seems... steep for a homeless teen.

Why the fuck is she being incarcerated in the first place with tracking?! She’s literally not a threat to anyone who isn’t a rapist. What the fuck. I’m infuriated she’s being punished at all. The state should be paying HER for failing her so abysmally. 

Both. I’m going with both. 

She was absolutely viewed as a homewrecker after the whole Mr. and Mrs. Smith debacle went public.... clearly she and Pitt were doing the nasty on the down low and the sympathy for Jen went through the roof... it’s Pitt who’s the actual scumbag cheater here but I do have a slight problem with women willing to engage


My hair went gray waiting for this shit to finally go down.

Can someone explain to this confused human what the hell the difference is between a Fake Ambassador and a Genuine Ambassador?

While I don’t find the concept particularly offensive or outrageous, I think it’s just a spectacularly bad idea, if for no other reason than causing the Awkward Factor, already annoyingly significant being space invaders in such close proximity to a couple hundred other people, to blow a hole right through the roof of

This is why I come here.

... and I have 3 Planned Parenthood clinics within a 10 mile radius of my house. Of course, this is NY.

Anyone else live in Simple Town USA where you’re ‘rich’ if you can afford North Face fuzzy jackets in winter?

We’re almost 10 weeks in at Kindergarten this year (trust me, I was NOT happy to find out this particular school used uniforms, and my kid has extensive special needs so this was the only facility in the district who has the correct programming) and so far, I’ve gotten away with NOT buying the polos with the School

Is it just me, or was anyone else acutely and painfully aware of whose families had money and whose came from the less-desirable parts of town? We did. We practically knew every household income, what cars they drove, what sports they could afford, etc etc etc 

Why can’t they just make a requirement that cats must either be leashed outdoors or kept inside, like they do across the planet for dogs?


That was my exact thought as well... how the fuck are these desperate people supposed to KNOW this is what’s going to happen? Nice surprise, Welcome to America indeed. I’d fucking change my mind and head back the other direction sooner than having my infant ripped out of my arms. This is beyond disgusting.

Daughter, 5, has significant sensory issues and an inability to keep her voice at a pleasant “3” and must speak at volume “10” at all times, or she thinks you can’t hear what she’s saying...

THANK YOU I woulda been like ... and exactly HOW is it any of your fucking business where someone produces the funds from? Could’ve easily handed the woman a $20 outside the door and the cashier would have been none the wiser.

You’re exactly right... it’s a horrific and humiliating experience to cash out WIC. After twice ending up in tears from being so utterly embarrassed and loudly put on the spot for accidentally choosing an item that didn’t qualify and having the cashier get on the fucking loudspeaker for some one to come up and run

Wait what?