
I think there *is* a demographic who enjoy mocking stroke victims, right up until they or someone close to them suffer one, but they all vote Republican anyway.

That moment’s definitely coming. I just hope there are no puppies nearby.

Well, let’s look at Herschel Walker. There’s a guy who’s clearly suffered a bunch of genuine irreversible brain damage via CTE (or maybe he was just always a moron) and he’s perfectly acceptable to the GOP. 

Yes! I’m 35 and have had a stroke (though no one can really tell me exactly when). I may sometimes forget a name, but so far I’ve been able to remember to be a decent fucking human being. I also don’t lie for personal gain, mislead people with crazy conspiracy theories, or think that 6 week old embryos look like kids

She was already vulnerable to predators and sex traffickers, that’s how she ended up in this mess in the first place. The system already failed her. I hope she finds peace wherever she goes.

This story just gets more and more fucked up. This poor kid is so broken, and the judicial system has contributed to it just as much as her rapist did.

A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.

She was absolutely viewed as a homewrecker after the whole Mr. and Mrs. Smith debacle went public.... clearly she and Pitt were doing the nasty on the down low and the sympathy for Jen went through the roof... it’s Pitt who’s the actual scumbag cheater here but I do have a slight problem with women willing to engage

I don’t think that Jolie has never fully shaken off the persona of dark temptress in the eyes of the average Team Aniston schmo. And Brad, well, he’s just a good ol’ blonde haired, blue eyed wholesome All American man from Oklahoma who ain’t never worn no blood necklace. Even if the case is legally ruled in her favor,

This is the true Republican agenda - companies should never be taxed for any reason and should never, EVER be regulated for any reason. Everything else is just a smokescreen to get butts to the election booth so they can chase their true agenda.

you forgot t***p’s picture

Once again, Republicans prove that “it’s not a gun violence crisis, it’s a mental health crisis!” is a completely disingenuous argument and that they’re really just a-ok with senseless, preventable deaths.

Not all heroes wear capes.

“Woman lands new job thanks to President Trump”

I can’t stop imagining that Steve is actually trying to give “the talk” to his pubescent child in that gif. 

I always thought she was kind of cute, and the fact that she seems to be staying the hell away from his flaming clown car administration instead of cashing in for money or power seems to show she might be the only decent human being in the family. That dodge though, that really drives home that she had had enough of

I literally haven’t seen this picture until this article. So if they wouldn’t have written the article at all, at least one fewer person would have seen it.

literally the first place i saw this photo, or even heard of this story. 

My first thought was My Name is Earl (or Mallrats) Jason Lee?

Help me out...correct me if I’m wrong, my takeaway is someone took a shot of a photo in the Knowles-Carter home that was meant to be private? If this is true, why are you reposting it?!?