Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you for your kind words.
I’m so very sorry.
I mean... haven’t we already established that I could waltz down the street wearing nothing but hot pants and clear heels swinging my ass taking selfie after selfie and ya STILL CAN’T FUCKING RAPE ME?
Perfect sentiment..
I agree.
I wouldn’t accept a phone call from this fuckhead if my life depended on it.. I’d end up saying something that would land me in prison.
I wondered this too.. how the hell could the bulk of the incidences be proven unless there is a cop standing right there to witness? Short of wearing a body cam, the woman will bear the burden of proof and it’s purely ‘he said she said’ shit.. Ugh.
This is a subject very sensitive to me.. it was how my rape occured... seemingly innocent remarks by a man in a store that escalated into rape once I was in the parking lot. I was also blamed by the cops for ‘not being aware of my surroundings’ in the parking lot at night and why the hell was I out there alone?
That’s the most accurate.
Like... even as she was spitting out this bullshit victim-blaming rhetoric, ‘tired’ or not... did NO where in her brain a little alarm bell go off and say “Ayeeee watch your words there, this is going to get plastered in the tabloids...”
Yeah fuck her.
Jesus Christmas.... that’s even MORE sociopathic shit than the lawmakers!
Oh for fuck sake.
It just defies logic. Like.... all of it.
“Sick to my stomach” doesn’t even begin to describe this shit.
Thank you for your kind words. I never get too comfortable, and we’ve moved 7 times in four years. I will look over my shoulder till my dying day. Little BushBaby is the only thing that keeps me going!
You know, That’s a good question. When i approached the adoption agency at 13 weeks along (I had just discovered it at 12 weeks... denial is a very strong thing) I told them of the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy right off the bat.
Thank you my dear.
This is exactly why I never applied for child support. He doesn’t know where we are, nor will he ever.
Mine did :(