
Thank you!

Excuse me.

Yes thank you that is the exact pic I was trying to post and hit a firewall at work.. but OMG. Seriously.

My second favorite cringe session is Buzz Aldrin while the Tangerine Scream stands at a podium talking about all things outer space. God, the pain on their faces.

Always need an extra bedroom for that “home office”.... cuz no one actually gets up and goes to work anymore... wtf? I’m just happy my Tiny Satans don’t have to pile in on bunkbeds in the same room... they’d kill each other within 48 hours.

.....or the impossibly unrealistic budgets!

My single biggest “this sucks” issue about all this is his ability to bail out immediately.

Just HOLY FUCK on that one.

THANK YOU for this. I’m appalled at some of these comments lambasting her medical team.

Dude. I had two c sections back to back and hemmorhaged on the second one... was told by my OB the second time to never fucking get pregnant again, because I’d most likely miscarry any future pregnancy with a torn fascia and ruptured uterus. I’m gonna take his word for it, considering the hellish torture that was my

You know it’s pretty bad when the world’s biggest DingBat has more common sense and compassion than the dude running the entire place.

Eh don’t go. Thank you for the answers... I’ve read a lot about this today. You rock!

This makes me scared he’ll kill himself when the hammer is about to drop and he’s formally found guilty.

...which is why I laugh my ass off every time I hear “We won, get over it already” while they’re simultaneously STILL obsessing over the woman.

Just like a good meal takes time rather than a minute in the microwave, I’m willing to wait to ensure the outcome is fucking airtight and they can’t weasel their way out of it.

I wish there was a law that says the administration has to freeze the submission of any new legislation pending the outcome of the investigation. I realize that’s kinda saying they’re guilty before they’re actually found guilty, but we do the same with petty criminals by keeping them in jail until trial without bail,

Same. I’m grinning from fucking ear to ear at this revelation.

THANK YOU for that. I’ve been questioning their ability to obtain records without notifying President Cheeto Dust first.. that was my sincere hope.

I agree, and none too soon.

.... or tell Mueller to go play in traffic by firing him in a last-ditch attempt to keep those mysterious numbers under wraps.