I agree. The Tangerine Scream is between a boulder and a hard place here.
I agree. The Tangerine Scream is between a boulder and a hard place here.
I still think that’s about the most counter-intuitive rule on the planet. NO ONE should be able to fire the very person who’s investigating them. For God’s sake, WHY is this even a thing. The “President” has WAY too much power here. Where are the checks and balances in all this to ensure he doesn’t just fucking go…
I’m curious about that as well. I tend to think that Mueller probably wants the lot of us to leave him and his team the hell alone to do their thing without the media’s constant badgering for more information, but on the other hand, on what scale do the general masses (us) have the right to know the progress of the…
I have questions after reading the RawStory article.
I don’t see it. WHERE IS THE PENIS.
Did that dude in the front in the red tie just get done blowing an 8 ball or what?
Uh wow... it was said right in her letter to the court, if you read the whole thing like most of us.
Thank you. I was beginning to think we were going to have to go back and argue “RAPE rape” as opposed to (what other kind of rape is there???) .... regular garden variety rape?
This is just fucking delicious indeed.
...when letting a racist cop off the hook takes precedence over 142 people dying per day....
Disgusting, innit? I was about 21 years old, had drank copious amounts of beer, and managed to chalk it up to “eh, people be wild at a concert” and never gave it much thought until years later when I thought to myself “Holy shit, that was realllllly fucked up”...
I crowd-surfed at a Zombie show back in ‘97 and changed my mind exactly four seconds after being lifted... hands immediately jamming up between my legs... no fucking thanks. Never again. Fuck that nonsense.
Thank you so much for sharing that piece of yourself with me.
Thank you! And yes, I haven’t spoken to them in over a decade now.. my life is forever benefited from getting these two toxic people out of it permanently.
I was actually going to put just that in my comment.. you read my mind! They’d be tomatoes with hair after one day :D
You, my dear, are an impossibly sweet human being. You would be this hairdresser, without a doubt!
While we’re at it, we’ll need an additional remote island for Trump and Kim to have their dick swinging contest in peace... lets equip them both with machine guns and see who lasts the longest before starving to death. It might take a while, given their size. We’ll be patienty waiting.