Secretly hoping to watch LeBron go supernova, crush the Warriors, and retire after realizing that he expended every last ounce of basketball ability he had left in the ultimate mic drop.
Secretly hoping to watch LeBron go supernova, crush the Warriors, and retire after realizing that he expended every last ounce of basketball ability he had left in the ultimate mic drop.
Isaiah Thomas shouldn’t have started his rehab with this drill.
wtf does ‘make or miss league’ even mean and why is it so smart that you have to say it 25 times a night?
It’s always funny to me that for all the hate they spew in the media, Trump and the Neocon DNC have the same objective with respect to dealing with actual progressives: ignore, deny, demoralize.
standing around like fucking idiots while their Designated Ball User dribbles a Morse Code War and Peace into the hardwood in 22-second chapters.
I agree with all of this. Two additional things:
Sadly, there isn’t.
What a missed opportunity, headline writer.
im in a fantasy league with a bunch of guys from ohio and we had this discussion over email this week. they of course all had lbj as the goat.
Hispanic= Spanish speaking
Fed is the GOAT, but tennis has never seen anything like Rafa on clay.
Exhibit 1432-A, subdash C, on how you privatize revenue and socialize expenses.
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that Russ, for lack of a better word, is good.
Don’t bother. The lifeboats are all full of Republicans wearing two life jackets each and holding off everyone else at gunpoint.
I liked the part where Duke completely forgot that they have a 7 foot tall dude that can score at will (ESPECIALLY after Kansas’ big dude fouled out) and instead let the shitty white guy keep firing shots.
It’s not delivery date or production targets, it’s Tesla market value. It has to keep going up, substantially, for him to get ANYTHING from it.