That kid just stole Trumps inauguration
Fucking drivel
You should read more about Mao
So, four major blunders that could lead to a nuclear exchange, and North Korea would make five.
Steve Mnuchin has sixty of these, but doesn’t know where they are.
Of course she believes that children should have guns to guard against grizzly bear attack.
He already knew that from a porn watching experience. He learned it the hard way.
True. But a court order is a court order
The sad part is the 62 other douchebags who agree with you.
May. I add to everyone’s apprehensions?
“The DENNIS System” is number one
Bill Maher started many of these people off into celebrity status on “politically incorrect”
You need money to start a business? Who knew? Why, I thought about constructing a nuclear piwer plant myself.
Two for two, Foxnewsallstar
Bang! Oh, you told him!
Then I must inform you that “golden shower” is improper nomenclature.
So Lannister never pay their debts now? I’m still think King Joffrey at 70 ascends to the throne.
i see your scary, and raise you a fucking nightmare
Election recap 2016, right there.