Translation inside my brain:
Translation inside my brain:
Bernie or Elizabeth Warren would fucking destroy this guy in a VP debate.
Go onnn.....
Ummmm....every AMP on your third visit, max?
When the people lead, the leaders will follow.
Was it about to explode, or was it..........(right pinkie finger touching lip)....
Quit fucking with my friend John, he’s a farmer. But he also makes sausage
I’m guessing that maybe this was not the first tine she pulled the gun on them.
In the body politic of the Republican Party, Trump is merely the merkin.
So my penis is tactical? If my balls are along for the mission, does this mean.......holt shit...
I just assumed everyone in NYC was being held against their will.
Is that Londoner slang for constipation......or........not sure I should write this......cuntstapation?
I bought it, or its predessor at a Black Friday sale for $200.
I bought it, or its predessor at a Black Friday sale for $200.
This is what I like about legal weed. You don’t have to come over to this guys house, and ...uh....fucking hangout for an hour get an ounce anymore.