
This is not hard to decipher. Bernie wants a Brooklyn debate to remind voters he grew up there, whereas Hillary is a reverse Carpetbagger from Chicago then Arkansas via DC.

Hello, says David Bowie’s 18 yo daughter to the banker. I would like a loan with no payments until I am twenty five, at which point I pay you double.

That's nothing. You should see that guy knit.

I’ve edited this story in my mind so the mom fucks him in the Country squire at the train station.

It would be awesome if Trump no showed. It would even better if none of them did.

And yet, no stars.

You know what Canada needs?

“Poison the water supply with lead so the children grow up to be violent retards that give us the excuse to......well.....have the authorities fill them with lead at traffic stops. Why didn’t we think of that”*

Does this mean Don Henley is going to tour as “The Eagle” this summer?

On Hillary being a tough guy toward Goldman et al as Presidential: Pure Bullshit on a Tea Party level.

Tomsula will be fine, he has a Trapper Keeper full of transfers from various Transportation Authorities

But if you murder the economy, causing extreme financial distress to tens of millions, you give your pocket change to the Government in a fine, and then continue to purchase the lawmakers of said Government.

Are you an idiot or a multimillionaire?

Thank you for your explanation you fucking turd burglar

I relate. The funny part is a person has to go through it to know, and men generally think it will never happen to them. Others, sure. But not them. That's why you get one star.

Oh, which part?


He needs to up his whine game. I suggest calling John McEnroe

Good thing the players are being called the goat, because Marvin Lewis took every opportunity to fuck up.