I am neutral about RJ. She feels more connected to inside Hollywood that allowed her the ability to have a career, rather than just talented and driven.
I am neutral about RJ. She feels more connected to inside Hollywood that allowed her the ability to have a career, rather than just talented and driven.
This is why, as a Seahawks fan, I just feel good about the Playoffs
Same reasoning Issac used when he named his third born “Cam”
Don’t show Willy your whole stash!
Seattle is so lucky to have Paul Allen as the owner.
What was her position on the Confederate Flag BEFORE the shooting?
Am way?
And yet, Griffey was only the second most feared bat in the Mariners lineup.
As a fan who went numerous Safeco and Kingdome games, I can tell you this: they called Griffey “the Kid”, but Edgar was the man.
I would not spoon the pig. But if it was smoked, I would definitely fork it
Have you decided to beat his wife over the head with this non proven issue?
How many time has Trump been divorced?
If the NFL Network picks him up as an analyst, I may have to get cable again.
What? No Deepak Chopra? That dude changed my life. After my ex went to his Ted Talk, and became a disciple, she took the kids and split.
The Chip and Miko show. Make the Dolphins interesting again.
From the shorts wearing news guy, to Hands-in-pockets, then signing off while the girl drowns in the sand, followed by the lurking weatherman, it's just perfect.
Another sad Republican pipes up about the black people in the White House who disrespect the office of the President.
Ari Fleisher?
Probably smells like Florida as well.