
Are you punchy? Any NATO MEMBER is obligated to help defend a member state when that member state is attacked and invokes their priveledge.

More proof we should not let any Refugees from Florida resettle in Seattle.

Ok, that it. (Throws challenge flag)

Thank God he wasn't a cap casualty.

I paid $1800 a month for 12 years, and I am not worth millions.

As a former boy, you make me nostalgic for America, circa 1983

Do you always mistake the word “defend” foe the word “attack”.

You gotta be kidding. If Russia invades Turkey with so much as a dart gun, and kills a civilian, NATO WILL DEFEND TURKEY

Yeah, yeah yea, you gotta say that shit. I wonder how old Vladolph would react if Turkey flew over their Territory on a bombing run meant to kill your allies.

They don’t give you maps at the Moscow troll factory, I see.

Your touched if you think anyone in NATO cares what France thinks. France does what is expedient for France, and every NATO member knows that. If this escalates, Russia would find out the Black Sea is just a lake when Turkey decides to blockade the Bosporus Straits.

Bullshit. NATO will not disintegrate over this. Leave Turkey out in the cold? NATO needs Turkey more than Turkey needs NATO

You think Turkey didn’t inform NATO what their intentions were? Hell, I knew this would happen just from reading stuff online. Russia can do jack shit about this. A shooting war with Turkey is a complete loser for Russia.

He is only in it for new ribbons

Obviously, he is using it to text his mistress

Dude, you are never going to live down writing the word “beeves”.

I’m just throwing this out there, but is it possible that the people saying this are the same people who got fat checks from him for staying silent?

I’ve bought too many shit games based on a review to even think of doing it any more.

They are in peril of going Munn and done in the playoffs

Who do you think makes more, Ciarra or Munn. I say Munn, because she has to go to Green Bay.