
Was she really “amazing” in that film, or do you just overuse that word?

I drive for Metro in Seattle. I have seen the shitting, the bleeding, the shitting while bleeding.

Zero emissions my ass. There is a coal plant in Montana creating extra electricity to power those Teslas in Seattle.

You shouldn’t joke about a Red Ryder BB gun, you could put your eye out with that thing

Look at the corners between rounds. Rouses was huffing and puffing like an old smoker with a lung missing.

Sounds great in theory, but are we willing as a nation to make a shared sacrifice? For example, conscription of a large enough land Army to capture and hold large swaths of territories, and the acceptance of the inherent military casualties it would entail.

He is simplistic? You accuse a whole cloth of guilt, when there are a tiny minority of that group committing these acts.

When he power dunks through an opposing player, does he say “you just been krapsnapped” or “BAHZINGAS!!!”?

Shit, this is so easy.

Ted Bundy had a great smile. Charles Manson had an intensity to him.

IDC what anyone says, if an ice girl with the nickname of puck gets thrown my way, I’m keeping her as long as I can

You are talking about a family that is proud to have lost wars in Iraq, twice. This thing? This Marco Rubio thing? Sheee. It. They ain’t going to even break a sweat knocking that guy down. Jeb Bush isn't going to win the nomination, his family will for him.

That burn, that burn up top, must be fed by some depleted uranium, burns so hot it gives cancer to lab rats that have little lead coated rat suits on

What's the O/U on games before season ending injury? I say 23.

BTW, those hats in the pic are for the riders of the apocalypse. One of the riders loves Mardi de Gras!

Dude, you just got Conorlarkin3’d. The logic, the truth, the wisdom. Feel da burn!

I'm just wondering how long into the movie before Will Smith works Bob Marley or one of his other favorite memes onto the screen

The Seahawks destroyed that team so thoroughly in 2014, SF players in their prime retired.

Basically, you do the same thing you should be doing with HBO. Pay the fee when your favorite show(GOT) is on. Catch up on other stuff on HBO. Then, cut the HBO cord the other ten months a year.

Maybe next time, Webber needs to take a timeout. I mean, there’s no penalty for that, right?