My prediction is that Don Draper commits suicide tonight. Either that, or it has all been a big tease.
My prediction is that Don Draper commits suicide tonight. Either that, or it has all been a big tease.
The guy pushed for the rule that allowed him to cheat his way to a Championship, and some people believe his punishment is too harsh?
Seahawks eat dragon eggs for breakfast
Wait until the Danny Shelton era begins
Gimmesummers little secret: Clarify the butter, and the smoking point goes way up. No need for water. Clarifying gets rid of the milk solids, so the shelf life of the butter goes up exponentially.
You know that thing where the commenters on this movie is funnier than the movie?
Has anyone mentioned that you can build up a huge alcohol collection called a "Dream Bar" and nobody will be there to drink it but you and the women you take home from the bar?
Will you marry me?
Just park that thing in front of your HDTV with a PS4 playing battlefield. Set the thing on 50% and play the Recon. When you run the soldier, sprint with the bike. Time will fly, you can do a half hour without really even thinking about it
MSFT does this all the time, it’s out of my life now that I can afford the sweet walled garden of APPL.
I have a two appliance smoothy operation. I use a Breville blender to juice vegetables like zucchini, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, etc. then I throw in an apple or pear at the end of the juicing to get a flow of liquid that washes out the vegetable juice left in the Breville into the juice container.
Well, I was driving my Challenger on nb I-95 in Area 51 last week, as I rounded a bend in the road an A10 popped around a Mesa and pointed its cannon at me as it corrected in the turn. It straightened head on as it flew over about 60 feet above me going I would guess 200+ mph. I was going...cough...cough..the legal…
I watched the whole thing just to see if Kareem Abdul Jabar was there holding a sign right before Randall Flagg offered him up as human sacrifice.
That is some sweet neck pussy
That's exactly correct. Besides, most women aren't really that interested in it anyway. It is just a means to an end, pun intended.
and in the middle of it, you are thinking " this is a bad idea" but do not even come close to stopping.
I retired from dating.