
I guess the pig is now unqualified to be a host on Top Gear?


it would be a hell of a reality show, where we attack the Russian workers with "green cards"

So if any nation believes Russia to be a nuclear threat, then Russia will threaten them with nuclear attack?

At 4K the Audi has a change oil light.

I say:

It takes a special person to say "hey, I could take this guy for $180K over the years, but I would never do that."

The irony is that global warming will put those islands under water.

it took a long time for me to get honest with myself. I lost 25 pounds last year using myfitnesspal app and gained fifteen back when I stopped using the app. So last year was a fucking victory.

I am holding out for a bracelet that surrounds me in a hologram of Adonis for my old ugly ass

good thing I'm not President. I would order the Navy to steal it, have a big BBQ on it docked in Qatar, then send it back loaded with sewage.

Look everyone, it's a but thrust Teahadist

"they're.... AWWWESOMME"



I'm surprised.

now that is fucking funny

My favorite Jon Stewart moment isn't from the Daily Show. I watched him go on CNN, back when they were relevant, and tell that Fuckstick Shitwit Tucker Carlson that he was not going to be his monkey on his show.

that looks like a penis, but average

Worst play call ever. A short QB cannot throw that ball at the knees where a CB has no play to make. Just can't get the angle. So stupid, stupid call