Burtonian Institute

Awww, thanks, I'm just glad people liked it! :)

I've been around for a while, but I still remember how great it felt having one of my comments pulled out of the grey (back then I guess it was the pink) by other commenters under the old "star" system. It really seemed my contributions were appreciated and welcomed. And when I got "starred" myself, I did my best to

I remember reading about this in (I think) an Ivan T. Sanderson book (I was into Forteana pretty heavily in my teens). Had no idea the incident was an inspiration for The Blob, though.

Contrary to popular belief, you can tickle yourself. Try rubbing the tip of your tongue across your soft palate and the roof of your mouth.

It's not really "obsolete", and it's a deplorable practice, but you can't tell me anyone who ever watched the rebooted BSG didn't giggle a little bit when they first heard the term "fracking".

Never date a Linelander — so one-dimensional!

"A Trojan point brothel? Inconceivable!"

Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #139 and #141. Don Rickles visits Morgan Edge and insults his whole staff. Meanwhile, Ugly Mannheim has fed Jimmy and Rickles's doppelganger "Goody" pyrogranulite crystals, and they're going to explode in less than 24 hours! Superman's out of the picture, since a UFO from Apokolips has

"Free diary in specially marked boxes!"

"My God! Soylent Green is Peeps!"

Hitler shot the Time Traveler first.

I didn't have the Space Station, but I had the Crawler and the XRG-1 Reentry Glider, which actually flew pretty well with an astronaut in the cockpit! (I had Matt and Jeff). The wings weren't very sturdy, though, so you had to be careful where you threw it. And you for damn sure didn't let your little brother play

I was following former ISS commander Chris Hadfield's series of near-Earth photos on Google+; glad to see Wakata is keeping the tradition alive! Beautiful! :)

Too bad the icons aren't larger — I have HubbleSite bookmarked just for their gorgeous photo albums!

I've always thought M31 in Andromeda was pretty iconic. (Don't know how well it would resize, but this pic is from Wikimedia Commons and should be okay for reuse.)

This is the only appropriate response.

The sound of the hammers must never stop...

Cobb's top from Inception qualifies, I think. It's especially MacGuffin-y (MacGuffin-ish?) if you subscribe to the theory that his wedding ring was his real totem.