I'd like a Hurkle. They're happy beasts.
I'd like a Hurkle. They're happy beasts.
Replying to promote: I haven't read the book, but there was a review of it in Discover a while back that made all those points. Yes, we are actually the best long-distance runners on the planet!
No love for Evil Otto from Berserk?
Oh, definitely! I wonder if it's possible to get kids as excited about space exploration as we were in grade school? I certainly hope so!
"The... deuce, you say!" Beat me to it, as well—and kudos for presenting the quote in its entirety. :)
Yeah, Dr. Evil's exposed brain was probably the creepiest kid's toy design of the day—I think I actually had nightmares about it! IIRC, they re-released the line in the '90s, but the originals were '60s.
I'm actually more curious about where they're going with the script. An alternate-future sort of thing where we already have a moon base and contact with aliens might be cheesy, but in a fun way! Hanks/Zemeckis is a combination that inspires some hope, at least (you know Tom had the toys!).
As long as we're talking '60s toys, remember this guy? I had Captain Action, too: his deal was you could buy extra costumes to change him into Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, etc. (Hmm, I guess he was technically the first Marvel/DC crossover product, wonder how they worked out the legal issues on that?)…
Thanks for the blog info! Yeah, he was original G.I. Joe size and hard plastic, and if I remember correctly only articulated at the shoulders, hips and knees.
I did have Callisto, but I was confusing him a bit with this guy, "Captain Laser" (yeesh, no wonder I didn't remember his name!). He was sort of a giant space Centurion, his eyes and chest plate lit up, he had an interchangeable light-up ray gun and shield, and his backpack made "space sounds." It appears MMM stuff…
Oh, hell, I just saw this and remembered that I got Callisto that Christmas, too! Yeah, he was great (his chest insignia lit up, too), and I'm pretty sure he's the reason I first discovered Callisto was the name of a moon!
Never got the crawlers, though they were really cool (and that comic ad John_Hazard posted certainly brings back memories - I'm pretty sure I had the little sleds, think they came with the figures).
Hurm. "They'll look up and scream, 'Please don't write The Dark Knight Strikes Back!!' And I'll look down and whisper, 'No.'"
1960 for me. I was aware of Sixfinger (for some reason that has "Soulfinger" by the Bar-Kays playing in my head right now), but I actually had Major Matt Mason! Plus Jeff Long and the Re-Entry Glider that actually flew!! (Because it was made of cheap crap plastic that broke on the first landing. I didn't care, best…
Nah, what we need is a John Byrne reboot all up in this bee-yotch! Ma and Pa Osterman are still alive, and Silk Specter is re-imagined as a sexy, wacky Ambush Bug clone! I'm also thinking Wolverine crossover, of course.
Holy Cripes, everything mentioned under the Universal Vault Series was a personal favorite of mine! (Yes, I was a weird kid...)
"Santa Claus vs. S.P.I.D.E.R."! I had that issue of F&SF! Still remember the editorial header line, too: "Not believe in Santa Claus? Why, you might just as well not believe in James Bond!"
Do I have to spell it out? ...oh, nope, I don't, Vinylrake already did.
That thought is always in the back of my mind... no, wait, sorry, I'm thinking of cheese and onions.