Burtonian Institute

That’s just it, though, Frank. It’s not a parody. It’s funny, but it’s definitely Trek. I like it.

You can buy them on Amazon or YouTube, but that’s a bit of a commitment. I thought it was worth it.

Dude’s an idiot. I lived through the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s — in the South, at that. You’re absolutely right, the modern Republican Party is mostly the old Southern Democrats who bailed when the party adopted that platform. One of the reasons Nixon won in 1972 was his not-so-subtle pandering to them (a

Shootin’ at the walls of heartache, BANG-BANG!



Does no one but me remember Eye Scream, the mutant who could change into any flavor of ice cream, including banana split? First appeared in X-Men vs Obnoxio the Clown #1. I’m pretty sure this is still canon, kids.

Now playing

I am the world’s biggest sap. Everything makes me cry. But Up is the only thing that does it in the first five or ten minutes of the damn movie.

If they find a way to work Sam Simeon and Angel O’Day into this thing somewhere, I will forgive them for all manner of Flashpoint doofiness. C’mon, Johns, you know you want to.

“He left his family behind!”

Insert “Yakkety Sax” in your head. Or not, Steven Universe is awesome enough without it.

Yes! Was going to post this, too.

I admire your faith in the general rationality of mankind. But someone elected all those kooky bastards. Elective democracy sucks, but at least it sucks less than everything else we’ve tried.

Or just Google “ochlocracy”.

I know. When you’re old enough to remember that Marvel once basically rented Cap to Rob Freaking Liefeld for an entire year (and he couldn’t even finish that out), this latest publicity stunt seems pretty lame.

You forgot the time the Serpent Society turned Ronald Reagan into a snakeman and Cap couldn’t punch him because he’s the President so Reagan just had to sweat it out. I wish I was making that up.

They're called Twizzlers here, too, though I think that's more the brand name than the actual term for the candy. They called them Red Vines on Fringe, for some reason. Maybe that's the generic term for red licorice?

I completely missed that, but I was wondering whether Hamill's Red Vines were some kind of weird Fringe reference...

I actually liked the "lightning psychosis" line, because it so fits with the Silver Age vibe of the show (it would have fit right into a, oh, say circa 1966 comic and people would have bought it without question). It almost feels like the writers are winking at us — "Dude, the main character just ran so fast he hit yes

How about "knocking bootstraps"? (Though I suppose "Gerrolding" would work, too...)