Burtonian Institute

If someone hadn't posted it already I was going to—I figured Kolchak would be one of the first ones mentioned!

@Captain_Tripps: Granted, but I wasn't talking about Nosferatu or the creepy vampires of, for example, 30 Days of Night. I meant the ones who look just like everyone else until they're ready to bite, whereupon they turn into mutant moray eels. It just reeks of, "Look at my kewl FX, Ma!!"

You know what always bugged me, even as a kid? Exactly what was so special about yellow dwarf sunlight as opposed to (presumably) the red giant variety? Do Kryptonian cells become living solar batteries only at a specific wavelength of light? If this was ever addressed in the comics I missed it, and I would love to

Just curious: anyone else see the name "Wang Kang" and immediately imagine a very naughty Avengers time-travel adventure?

Wait, wait, Brad Bird's directing and Simon Pegg's in it?? I—I may have to care about this...

Point well taken. The iconic images of Superman are all physical things like lifting cars, breaking chains and smashing through walls. (Well, and flying, of course.) I thought Byrne's take was interesting for wrapping everything up in a neat ball, but you're right, Supes is too much the archetypical "strong guy" for

You know another way Bouncing Boy got screwed? (No, this isn't another Triplicate Girl joke.) Nearly every other Legionnaire had a cool "future"-sounding name like "Imra Ardeen" or "Querl Dox." Know what his was? "Chuck Taine." Seriously.

Since you've already got a character on the list who was supposed to be silly in Eye-Scream, I'm putting in a vote for Ambush Bug! He found his suit in a spaceship sent to Earth by the alien scientist Lum-El, and once he put it on he was forever changed (the zipper got stuck). Plus, his arch-nemesis was a sentient

True, but it wasn't any sillier than "Pym particles."

I've already got one: time travel. Of course, it's stuck on "forward" at one second per second, but still...

The really bad thing is, Jimmy Olsen became Elastic Lad in the Silver Age almost exactly the same way, mistaking a bottle of questionable fluid Superman had given him for soda pop. Bonus: Supes got it from an alien.

Matter-Eater Lad.

Cute, but I'd rather have a blue canary in the outlet by the light switch:

@crashedpc /sarcasm: With Morrison writing him now, you never know...

Well, I don't think it was ever stated baldly in the comics that psi was the actual explanation, the editorial offices just allowed Byrne to hint that it might be.

@lightninglouie: This will learn me—I try to make a (not even very good) "Beginning Of The End" joke, and I suddenly have several Argentinians correcting me on my (not even very good) geography. I blame you, of course. ;P

Your pardon, I wasn't belittling Argentina's lakes, I just didn't have a map handy! Okay, the hoppers can be lured into Lagos Buenos Aires, is that better? :)

Nah, just broadcast their mating call over loudspeakers and they'll hop right into—what's the nearest Lake Michigan-sized body of water abutting Argentina, the Gulf of Mexico? Sex is the answer to everything.

Actually (unless it's been retconned again, which they seem to do with Supes every couple of years now), his cape does get torn up quite a bit these days, since it isn't inside his "aura." Martha Kent used to send Clark a fresh batch on a fairly regular basis after Byrne first rebooted him.

I know, I had that issue!