Burtonian Institute

I've always kinda liked John Byrne's idea that Superman's powers are all psi-based: he doesn't fly so much as levitate, he uses telekinesis to lift objects and keep them from falling apart, his heat vision is really excitation of molecules at the molecular level with TK, the other vision powers are clairvoyance-based,

@justvisiting: We'll just have to agree to disagree (except on which version we'd rather be running from, "Classic" are much less thrombosis-inducing). The "fast" ones are just a trope I find distasteful, like the current vampire one where the bloodsuckers get all uglified before they chomp on you, for seemingly no

@justvisiting: I have to side with V on this. They're not dead and reanimated, they're nuts. Infected, but nuts. Perhaps we could differentiate like Coke in the 80's? Zomb Classic vs. New Zomb? Sounds about right.

Actually, it's Don wanting to be gone. (Carlyle trying not to collide? ...oh, I'll just come back in. *slams door*)

@mkirkland: "I'm sorry, but we can't be friends if you didn't like Good Omens."

@zapan: As a lifelong fan of The Ghost And Mister Chicken, I would tend to agree with you.

Perfectly understandable, my grandmother was the same way with her afternoon "stories." ;)

Yep, my first thought was, "Wait, what?"

No, but it does kinda creep me out that he's wearing his mask at the beach. Ah, the Marvel swimsuit specials—so much wrong was never enjoyed by so many!

"I've fallen down the Uncanny Valley and I can't get up!!"

"Can of Air" is the name of my next 90's emo cover band.

Earlier posts have already said all I could have about this ("YES!!! Woo-Hoo!!! But six seasons?"), so I'm going to latch onto the peripheral stuff. Hanks and Zemeckis are doing a Major Matt Mason movie?? Wow. I'd forgotten that Tom and I are roughly of an age; still, the fifty-something demographic seems a strange

I've always thought Spielberg had a weird sense of what was "cute." E.T. didn't scare me, but he was damn disturbing. As Robin Williams once commented, he looked like he was standing on his own testicles. "Ouch" is right!

Never experienced this, but I do have photic sneeze reflex. Can you do an article on that, it's the only superpower I've got!

Boo, I was hoping this would be an adaptation of the Vertigo books!

I suspect that reaction to E.T. was pretty common with younger kids. True story: when I first saw the movie, I was sitting behind a mom who had to keep reassuring her (4-year-old?) son that E.T. was a "good" monster. His reaction, and I quote: "I don't like him! Him bite!"

I don't dare, I could get arrested!

Jorge Luis Borges' "The Library of Babel" has a fascinating take on this theme (no monkeys, though, the books already exist). Everyone should be required to read Borges.

RARGH!!! Hulk want Eggo's!

Thanks, I didn't know that about Garfield! But anyone who could write in Latin and Greek simultaneously was obviously gifted!