Burtonian Institute

I'm just going to lob this in here and duck. I've been reading both DC and Marvel books since they were 12 cents a pop. In my opinion, best comic movie adaptation of the last ten years? Scott Pilgrim Versus The World.

Great, now I'm gonna have to learn how to chant "Cthulhu fhtagn" in Nanite.

I read "Sean Young" and "candid Polaroids" and immediately clicked on the link. Curse you and your provocative headlines, io9!! ;)

At least the tagline on the cover is appropriate to the video as well.

Maybe it's just me, but I could have gone, oh, the entire rest of my life without that thought in my head. Thanks, Louie!

I seriously doubt these guys have read Kit Reed, but...

I just remember watching it (yes, I watched it, sue me, I was seven) and thinking, "His secret identity is the President? Yeah, that would work..."

I'm just relieved it dropped one around 1:01!

Sounds like something a 1950s sci-fi sidekick would exclaim: "Hot Jupiter, Space Ranger!!"

@Calcifer: Wow, was this article synchronicity or what?? And I agree with your assessment, Cage is badass but he has a sense of humor, too. I still think a Heroes For Hire movie would be the way to go.

Now playing

Hopefully this posts (I just figured out today the YouTube option hates TinyURL so you have to use the long link). I agree, this is great!

Now playing

And once again, the ex-Soviets are merely copying good old American crappy cartoons:

Oh, come on! I could see it if they had been using bat'leths (you could put an eye out!), but light sabers? Most of the commercially available toy ones are about as deadly as a Nerf bat. Excessive, this punishment is.

I'd forgotten about that, thanks! Mustafa would make a great Luke Cage, I think. Still hope they stick Danny in there somewhere if it gets made, we need a good superhero "buddy" movie! (Sorry, I don't count Green Hornet.)

@cljohnston108: You are correct, I misremembered! Blame it on my Pat Tallman crush.

I loved that, especially the way it was a call-back to the Garibaldi/Lyta elevator scene in Season 1!

Heard this on the radio this morning, and when they referred to him as "star of Grease and Taxi," I immediately added, "And fraggin' Babylon 5!!" His portrayal of Zack was wonderful. I was sorry to hear he'd died so relatively young.

@firstofnormalin: Actually, bison are doing quite well these days. The only problem seems to be that, because of "natural" inter-species mating, there are very few genetically "pure" ones. In other words, most bison are part beefalo!

@corpore-metal: Sorry for the confusion, perhaps I should have specified JRPG ("Japanese"), which is indeed a whole different beastie. They're much more linear than pen-and-paper RPGs or western games like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're into story. Think of them as graphic

@Calcifer: Ditto for me with "Sweet Christmas!" I know it'll never happen, but I'd love to see a Power Man/Iron Fist movie!