Burtonian Institute

@corpore-metal: Had to go to my profile to make sure this was directed to me (wish io9 would hurry up on fixing replies).

This was a fairly complex relationship.

@SabinDeus: Word! If Lucca and Robo weren't the original girl-and-her-robot, they were pretty darned close!


Y'know, it's been a while since I read the Englehart/Staton Green Lantern Corps, but IIRC Kilowog was a geneticist on his homeworld. Imagine, a planet where even the scientists are badasses! I pictured it as a whole world of Benjamin J. Grimms, only bigger and meaner.

There are a couple of beefalo herds within 100 miles of where I live, and they're actually pretty docile. Never tried the meat, but it's supposed to be leaner and lower in cholesterol than cow beef.

As soon as I saw this I thought, "My God, this is what Orko from He-Man looks like under that cloak!"

Okay, the word "poozer" was used; I am officially going to see this movie now!

The words "LEGO-brick USB drive" once again prove my thesis that the awesomeness of a toy directly corresponds to how far past its "recommended for" age you've advanced.

But I thought this was why they never talk about Apollo 18?

@spocko: But you'll remember, the Zanti only sent us their "undesirables" because they knew we'd kill 'em. And we send them, like, Riddick? I forsee problems...

I think it'd probably be smarter to opt for a cultural exchange program first, like in Zelazny's Doorways In The Sand. Who knows what might come of that?

@serenada: Nah, it just means we were around back when MTV actually played music.

Thank you!


It's sad that my Ms. Pac-Man skills have atrophied so much! Guess I'll just boot up "Leather Goddesses of Phobos"...

Thanks, this clears things up a bit, I was under the impression it was somewhat meaningless to say an electron has a "shape"...

You were bitten by a radioactive sarcasm? Me, too!

Don't say that to him, he HATES it! The "Cougar" was something either the record company or his management came up with, and he's been trying to get rid of it ever since.

I assume the sadistic mastermind forgot about sharks needing a salt-water environment because he was too busy calling Acme to bulk-order some frickin' laser beams to strap to their heads.