Cool! But now I'm having Golden Earring flashbacks:
Cool! But now I'm having Golden Earring flashbacks:
I am somewhat crestfallen, and have decided to continue reading it in its uncorrected form. Chewie is shakin' it rather furiously in the clip!
I'm hesitant to hashtag this, because I so do not want the phrase "fury pelvis" to be a typo!! A vision appeared full-blown in my head of "Pelvises of Fury", the Bruce Lee movie no one talks about.
@ijustwritebooks: Thanks, and right back atcha! :)
"We're gonna need a bigger dolt!"
@sui generis: Que?
"Daoist? I'm 30% Daoist!"
So, Frankie Say Relax?
Incidentally, anyone else notice the Pope picked today to call the International Space Station? First ever call by a pontiff to earth orbit. Coincidence? I think... yeah, probably coincidence.
I'd definitely recommend the pilot, it was fantastic! But it starts getting iffy really fast around season 3.
The Wikipedia article on the Rapture mentions that Sir Isaac Newton calculated the Apocalypse couldn't happen any earlier than 2060. So I think I'll go with the guy who got that whole "why things fall down" deal right.
I'm hearting you for this! Powers is one of my favorite writers, and you expressed my feelings about what he accomplished in the novel far more succinctly and intelligently than I could have! :)
@tamahome: voodoo spirit, kind of analogous to "demigod" or "angel"
Yeah, I noticed the resemblance, and I can see why he's grumpy. But Legolas was no Guybrush.
Well, the book does feature Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth. Also lots of voodoo, the quantum nature of magic, the ghost of an entire frickin' Spanish galleon, and a guy who makes loas and keeps 'em in bottles. No mermaids, though. It's a great read, if you can find a copy, and would have made a much better movie…
No, I got that. I also see the need for a "neutral image" like the house. I'm just saying I'd have to see the study replicated several times before I'd jump to the conclusion that extra time spent viewing the "infamous" faces was anything more than an artifact of the experimenters' expectations.
YouTube fail, thingie never works for me! Oh, well, search "Fabulous Poodles Bionic Man", if you're interested. Great song!
I'm with the people downthread. Of course people are going to stare at a face longer than a neutral image, it's hardwired into us. I think this experiment needs to be redesigned.
I don't know about social history, but personally, it usually ended with my dad yelling, "Stop drinking all that water before bedtime, dammit!!"