Burtonian Institute

double post

Does sort of explain his dietary habits, doesn't it?

I swear Brad Dourif's inside that thing!

In my perfect world, everyone would learn the alphabet by listening to The Gashlycrumb Tinies. But, admittedly, I had a rather twisted childhood.

I believe that comment deserves a huge "Ack", man!

Oop, I misquoted! It's "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny"! Now I have a bad case of the pseudo-intellectual chagrins!! :(

Edward Gorey knew about this...

Cool, so neoteny does recapitulate phylogeny! I'm hoping this means Edgar Rice Burroughs was right about all that stuff in the Mars books, too!

A further thought, re: closed-loop time travel stories. Two of Heinlein's best-remembered short stories were closed-loop: "By His Bootstraps" and "...All You Zombies...". The latter one was particularly headache-inducing.

"Why would God need a Holodeck?"

Puts me in mind of the final line from Stand On Zanzibar...

I would have to disagree, in at least some cases. The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers is as intricately plotted and entertaining as you get, precisely because it's a closed loop. The protagonist even knows the date he's going to die (it's a bit more complex, actually, but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read

There was a bit of WTF in the opening credits, too. Did you notice that one of the different "scienc-y" words was "Dual Maternity"?? I'm guessing this means Fauxlivia's baby still exists and will figure prominently in Season 4, despite the apparent non-existence of her baby daddy.

Wow, didn't catch that at ALL! Now I feel bad...

There's a "best there is at what he does" joke in there somewhere...

Beat me to it! Yes, evidently another difference Over There is that Brasso comes in way bigger cans!

Exactly what I was about to say. If it has horns like a demonic duck, and cloven hooves like a demonic duck... jeez, even Ridley Scott has admitted as much.

Don't be so hard on yourself, even a hetero male can totally see this: dark, mysterious dude who gives you a slinky black dress with built-in dancing lessons, versus the "little BOOOOYYYYYYY!!!"

Is it wrong that this is giving me Jessica flashbacks from Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete? Mmmm, bromides...

I'm mildly surprised no one's mentioned these guys yet. Sure, the Critters movies are kind of a guilty pleasure, but c'mon—shape-shifting alien bounty hunters with BFGs?? Not to mention their idea of "inconspicuous" is to become (basically) Rick Springfield and Miss January?