It’s like getting upset about Chelsea Handler. Everyone on the left yawns because we know that’s her “thing”. You should see what the Right thinks about her, though.
It’s like getting upset about Chelsea Handler. Everyone on the left yawns because we know that’s her “thing”. You should see what the Right thinks about her, though.
Don’t pretend that anarchists and hardcore anti-fascists don’t exist.
This should be very exciting for people who were in favor of the DAPL, but also hated Hillary.
So wait, we give him plaudits because he’s not actively repealing this? Seems like a low bar...
Yikes dude.
It’s pretty cool that you’re here sharing your hot takes with everyone.
lol whut?
Might have misjudged the tone on that one.
This is sponsored content, right?
Big Tracy Bonham fan, I reckon.
Don’t they call each other “Mother” and “Father” in The People Under The Stairs?
hey uh, it sounds like you’re taking this personally
Boxing Day!? In America, we *keep* all our Christmas presents. No matter how much it may pain us to do so, or how little we want them.
take that, starbucks
yeah but smashing starbucks
I’ll field this one. This is just like high waisted pants making your legs look longer and having a slimming effect.
The matching gloves make her arms look impossibly long, like a vast spider reaching out at you from beyond the edges of space. It’s a very flattering look.
What’s the Kirsten Wiig skit where it’s the Lawrence Welk show and she has those weird long baby hands?
Are you saying “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE” as an affirmation of the impermanence of our physical selves, or are you saying it like you think it’s definitely happening in the next four to eight years? Because if it’s the latter you’re being an alarmist.