
aggressive AND aggro? that's pretty fucking serious.

Yes, I'm pretty sure it was tasting each one to figure out which it wanted....

Kitten: I wanna be in there— it's made of warm!

Ducks are 100% the worst people ever. SRSLY you guys.

This is actually the opposite of cute. Cats carry a bacteria in their saliva and on their claws that is deadly to birds. Many avian victims of cat attacks that survive and are brought to wildlife rehab die from infection, even when they only suffered minor scratches. Cats and birds should *not* be allowed to

I am really getting sick and saddened by people posting pictures of birds, duck, parrots etc with predators aka cute kittens. It can kill one of those birds in about 2 seconds. If you don't care about birds, then have at it. If you do give a darn about animal welfare, please stop posting these videos. thanks.

Birds. Warmth. And above all, a box. Did this person deliberately make a cat trap?

Am I the only one who is suuuuuper unimpressed by the person who thought it would be cool to let a kitten loose in there, and film it? Yeah, animal babies and all that, but just...not liking this.

Kitten: I grab your head! And I grab YOUR head! And I grab.....HEY DONT GRAB MY HEAD HOOMAN!

Kitten is all "yes, yes my minions!" And then realizes there is a minion uprising and he is greatly outnumbered.

That kitten is definitely going to eat a duck. Just give it time.

Wow, that's really frightening. I actually bounced a check once or more when I was young but I certainly didn't realize the repercussions could be that bad. I just had to pay the nsf return fee.

ESPECIALLY THE FANCY PARTY! I hate no-shoes parties. I didn't put on this cute outfit for the host to fuck it all off because someone might track in some shoe dirt. It's not like we're coming in from working in the fields or something. I swear, no shoes parties just make me want to spill red wine on everything

When I was just out of high school, I was an idiot. Lost my job and couldn't pay rent, so I wrote a check to the landlord thinking the bank would pay it and I would owe the bank. Turns out that's what they call writing a bad check, and it's a criminal offense. I had no money to hire an attorney, so I pled guilty and

Didn't Adrien Brody win a Cesar award?

Other things forced in to cable packages, Fox News, which the PTC and their founder Brent Bozell are huge fans of.

I would not be surprised AT ALL if Khloe has already tried super hard to get Kanye and Scott to kiss, and Scott was totally down, but Kanye was SUPER uncomfortable. There's like a 65% chance this has already happened.

Its no different than offering a woman some money or a house to keep a baby. That happens all the time when women are deciding whether or not to have an abortion. The man (or other people like the woman's family members) offer incentives for the woman to keep the baby such as promises to care for her and the child

Did your doctor tell you to change your toothpaste? Sodium dodecyl sulfate is in most toothpastes as a foaming agent, and it is absolutely murder on mucous membranes - including your lips. I don't know if it's marketed in the US but zendium toothpaste has been a real life (lip) saver for me.