My 57th burner account

Woow. Just going to treat James Garfield like that? He chose to only give one major campaign speech and spoke about the importance of standing with newly freed slaves.

Jokes on you. She still owns the trademark.

Take a class on criminal procedure and you’ll see that you just aren't correct.

Lmao they literally made Grey Worm a war criminal, attacking soldiers, who surrendered, with their backs turned then goes on to kill innocent women and children.

Lmao grey worm is a literal war criminal now

You ever tried to dig a moat in ground that’s frozen solid?

Sorry, but this almost certainly was not an unconstitutional search

Lol his goose is cooked

Doesn’t even matter if they successfully impeach him because the Senate will never vote to remove him from office. 

Articles like this make me glad to have a job where I pull $3200/wk before taxes.

Some places I go to use chip and pin and still make me sign after that

This has no effect on Africa or those speaking the languages. 

This isn’t a patent, so prior usage doesn’t defeat a trademark application.

Proximate cause is a legal term. There are two types of cause in the eyes of the law-cause in fact and proximate cause. If you want to dunk on someone try to know what you’re talking about first.

The standards to get in are certainly a lot lower. 

A decent lsat would have made her stand out. The scores for this school are complete garbage. 

The schools median lsat is 145, so I don’t think too many people are really smart at this school

Why the fuck would you go to liberty for law school? And sorry to say it, but a degree from nccu isn't worth much either. I'm not sure it's even ranked and their median LSAT is 145. 

Which one of them has autism?

I’m pretty sure all of these women were hired before the allegations came to light.