
There are literally DOZENS of us...

One of the Philly tweeter’s Twitter handle is Chr1stPuncher. That shit is metal.

Fuck yes! Women are awesome climbers. I wouldn’t be surprised if the world’s hardest routes are more often completed by women within 20 years. Currently it’s a numbers game, more men climb. Take your daughters to the local crag and show them what climbing like a girl means they can do. Congrats!!!

Thanks for posting something about this. Hayden Kennedy was the most prolific climber/alpinist of his age. This tragedy and his subsequent suicide are more shit piled on heap of October bullshit. The world is not rich in people like these and we just lost two of the absolute best at what they do and by all accounts

Nothing against Rubio, but I always thought the idea of a baby or small child named Rick would be funny. Babies and small kids with adult sounding names. Always good for a larf.

Edit: you’re

1. Cribbage

He’s trying to block it out with those tiny fingers.

Folks, grape stems are not an issue. A well placed Apple core? Sure thing. But do not under any circumstances toss orange or banana peels in this same haphazard fashion. Shit doesn’t go anywhere! It’ll just crust and remain. It’s the peel, it’s built to last. Eat your orange peels after removing them. It’ll fix your

Ok, now I know it’ll have little to no effect but at least we can have the avenue. Does anyone know to whom we should write shame letters to the NFL? Serious question.

Consider bouldering more like sprinting or weightlifting (generally bouldering routes are much shorter <except traversing>), while roped climbing could be more similar to an endurance sport. This really only applies with any consistency to beginning routes for either discipline. Once you are comfortable falling,

Doubtful that you’re crushing 4s or 5s on your first visit, but maybe you’re a stud? Are you either really petite and strong for your size or perhaps an ex gymnast? Both would help. Also, ALL climbing grades need to been interpreted as very subjective. Gym to gym, or crag to crag will vary dramatically. Have fun, this

Counterpoint: Don’t go bouldering, it will injure your baby soft parts. And certainly don’t start by climbing outside or God forbid, buy gear and think you can actually figure out how to tie knots.

Came here to say this. Understandable mistake maybe, but shit, it’s still obvious.

That looks like whats called “de-gloving” in rock climbing lingo. Don’t grab a bolt to keep from falling. That term on its own was always so graphic. Now I have the photo to go with it. Thanks for the new reason to be terrified of falling.

I still am not sure if this is serious. Is this serious? Cause me and all my rowdy friends are certainly ready for some footbawl!

I am an actual Chargers fan, pray for me! (I also scooped up Melvin Gordon in round 4, Travis Benjamin in round 10, and Rivers as my backup qb in round 15 cause I’m a homer. So I’m not furious yet.)

“That doesn’t look very scary. More like a 6 foot turkey."

Great Bryce Harper Me Me

While it does tryhard, this doesn’t really get close to getting the tongue into the cheek.