I watch Sons of Anarchy every week and I've put up with some foolishness, but Tuesday night's episode might've…
I watch Sons of Anarchy every week and I've put up with some foolishness, but Tuesday night's episode might've…
My husband and I just watched that together and we both agree it was awful.
That's just low. He should get his ass disbarred to see how he likes it. Scumbag.
I agree. The parts that are gaining the most attention are the least troubling to me. The 7 yo exploring the baby's vagina is probably the most "normal" part of the whole thing. I have no doubt its common behavior. It's all the other stuff that I'd like to hear some experts on child development talk about.
This is a great point. If the above account was written by a 7-year-old Lena Dunham a week after it happened, it would read as totally harmless. But it wasn't. It was written by a 20-something Lena Dunham with no acknowledgement that she is in dicey territory.
Anyone who denies that they have some similar kind of story involving body exploration as a child is a fucking LIAR. It's SO common for children to do stuff like this.
I think my biggest issue with this whole fiasco is not the acts Lena describes, but that she so cavalierly mentions that she did what a sexual predator would do (as I realize you discuss in this article). I realize that this is her brand of humor and maybe I just don't get her humor, but it is an out-of-touch,…
I literally got up and ran around behind my armchair during the lollipop scene...I wanted to get as far away from it as physically possible. The fucking look on his face was just indescribably horrific.
"Thanks for the ride, Muhammed."
I have nooooOOOoooOOoo idea why everyone is jumping down your throat. If Iggy Azalea wasn't a popular, conventionally attractive white woman she wouldn't get under their skin nearly so much. There is a world of difference between being an annoying singer who appropriates culture and being a woman abuser who is proud…
You may hate both, but only one gets the bad press on here.
Do you know Snoop Dog? That guy who has put his wife through hell. Who openly loves porn and claims that he has pimped women out before? Not to mention that he is old enough to be Iggy's father. You know that guy? Isn't it so much easier to hate on this stupid white girl than you know, the misogynist that is not…
I didn't notice any decline while pregnant - but now that the baby's outside of me, hoo boy. I can go three days without showering and barely even notice, and conversations with me are likely to abruptly trail off into me staring blankly into space. That probably has a lot more to do with Geneva Convention-breaking…
She's a childhood friend of a very dear friend of mine. I can attempt to assure you that this isn't the case, but this is the internet. *shrugs*
Fuck. Facing. Brain. Cancer. Mocking woman. With months to live. Bravery, defined.
I've spent the majority of my afternoon taking people to task who have said this was an attention ploy of "all she wanted was fame". This is a serious matter that she has helped bring to the public. In four states people have the right to determine with their doctor when they can die. Medical autonomy is an area that…
I'm actually kind of glad about this. I totally support right-to-die laws and was very impressed by her interest in bringing this into the national conversation again but I just kept thinking about the date. Every time I thought about Halloween and family coming into town on Nov. 1st I'd think, "Oh, and that girl's…
I'm amazed more people aren't talking about the conjunction of "We take what we want" and the Indian logo. I mean, it's pretty much an American history lesson on a T-Shirt, isn't it?
I was raised Catholic and now don't practice or believe in it in those terms so maybe it's totally residual guilt that had been hammered into me.
With the motto and the Indian logo, they'd have scored a trifecta of offensiveness if pirates were a some sort of protected class.