Bingo. Life’s too short to put up with someone else’s bullshit. It’s one thing if they have quirks or flaws (we all do), but if they use you like a throw rug or think doing blow is a good idea, then showing them the door is the best option.
Bingo. Life’s too short to put up with someone else’s bullshit. It’s one thing if they have quirks or flaws (we all do), but if they use you like a throw rug or think doing blow is a good idea, then showing them the door is the best option.
It’s only a dealbreaker if they liked the first 2 seasons of Enterprise or the last 2 TNG movies.
gr8 b8 m8, 8/8
If she’s in one state, go move to another state. If she shows up in your state, go to Europe. If she moves to Europe, then relocate to Pluto.
I wonder how she was able to prove that it was planted. I’m not saying I don’t believe her, just wondering how it was proven, since otherwise, it’s all “he said/she said”. Did the idiots leave fingerprints on the baggies? Exchange posts on Facebook bragging about framing her?
More like minor tweaks or retcons. For example, SHIELD agent Sharon Carter was originally the younger sister of Captain America’s girlfriend/secret agent Peggy Carter. Now she’s Peggy’s niece, due to Marvel’s “sliding time scale”.
Pre-Crisis: Infinite universes
Post-Crisis: Only 5 universes survived, and they merged into one definitive universe.
Post-Infinite Crisis: Universe splinters again, into 52 universes.
Post-Convergence: Undoes the original Crisis, universe is infinite again (for now)
Sadly, Vega died on his way back to his home planet.
I’m a dude that likes to bang other dudes, and I thought it was funny.
Loosen up, Louise.
They’re just “wired” differently, much like gay people (like myself) and trans people are. If it’s possible for people to constantly desire sex, then it’s possible for people to have little to no sexual desire at all.
I like the Supreme, but I just ask for them to hold the sour cream, which solves the problem. You still have to eat them immediately, or they’ll get soggy within minutes.
Glad it isn’t just me seeing things then. I swear Amber and Amy look photoshopped to hell and back in that photo.
Is it just me, or does it look like the bearded one’s eyes are trying to run away from each other?
At least Diaz has some artistic talent. Jacques’ characters pretty much all look similar with the same dumb expression of dull surprise.
This is almost as great as when he was called out on Tumblr for posting fap material of Kimiko and passing it off as “female empowerment”.
I wonder how much extra the Flux Capacitor option will cost. If it’s less than $1000, I’m sold. Otherwise, i’ll just splurge on the CD stereo and leather seat upgrades instead.
There’s been some AAA titles here and there, but there’s a lot of great lesser known games being offered if people are willing to give then a chance. PS+ had MouseCraft, a fun puzzle game in the vein of Lemmings and Krusty’s Fun House, as well as Styx: Master of Shadows, an underrated stealth adventure. Not to mention…
Styx: Master of Shadows is actually a pretty fun third person stealth game. I got it for free on PS+ a few months ago, and I’m glad I gave it a try. If you like the Thief series, then this will up your alley.
Evidence is a construct of The Patriarchy. Listen and Believe, shitlord.