It’s not exactly street legal Barry. I took the restrictor plate off. Keep it on the down low.
It’s not exactly street legal Barry. I took the restrictor plate off. Keep it on the down low.
I love it! I have 150 unbuilt kits and probably $500 in Testors and other paint in my den. My Badger airbrush hasn’t been used since 2004. I could spend the entire evening on this subject.
I’m actually kind of glad Neymar is turning out to be a first-order bitch. Now I have quantified justification to hate him. (Still, four games is harsh. Two is appropriate. Maybe they’re preemptively negotiating the appeal.)
That dissent was embarrassing. It read like something a two-bit prosecutor from a low-tier law school would bring in during a victim-impact statement.
Why are they using orange F35s as test sleds?
This is what Flugtag would look like if it was sponsored by actual cocaine instead of Red Bull.
Jerry already called dibs on the glory hole
Q. Last words?
When asked about the status of his relationship with Jeannie Buss, Jackson replied “I’m goink-goink back back to Cali Cali”
Q. Thoughts on next season?
Fuck and no. I challenge you to a duel just for saying that. Pistols at sunrise!
What’s happened is that everyone is so in love with himself or herself that people have started to need a younger generation to hate and compare negatively to themselves. They need that validation of being able to say “rrraaaarrrrgh, millennials” because they are shallow, empty people with nothing of value in their…
The real stumper is: If you only had one sandwich for the rest of your life, which sandwich would you choose? Assume reasonable access to toppings is allowed.
I received a letter from opposing counsel today calling me a shakedown artist. I want to frame it.
Are tacos not a subcategory of sandwich?
Dude, fucking give it up. If you're calling Kyle "Gawker boy" in some derogatory manner, it's only making you look worse. Because this "bro" can come over from a celeb gossip blog and still apparently know waaay more about sports than you.
Ugh. Almost every point you make here and throughout this entire conversation is an assumption.