
I dislike the “talker” guy. They should have gotten a person who does normal talking, or singing, or death metal grunts, or black metal growls, or even an actual rapper, or, anything not that annoying. Also, I do dislike grey cars that all look the same and I want an Alpha, but, I wanted one before seeing that

My favorite’s are the ones with Mahk, doing real, real people videos.

Well, if you should decide to purchase something .... post a brag thread here so I’ll know what to buy!


I like the stinger, but I am not sure I can justify it to myself.

Ideally, I’d find something around 15k-20K used, but my budget is somewhat flexible, and I’m toying with the idea of buying something new next time.

I moved my bedroom to the basement in my house and have curtains. It’s pitch black at high noon. I just have a very hard time adjusting to wake up early. When I worked overnights, it was perfect, I could watch the sunrise every morning before going to bed. Now, I’m expected to wake up by like 8ish, which means I have

People who have this device in their car likely have already learned their lesson. they do not need an “atodaso.”

I heard Common Sense was an endangered species, I believe it’s true.

Now that you mention it THAT way .... I guess it’s only fair to give these guys a chance even if I (and probably many others) in principle dislike remakes and reboots and recycling the same used ideas over and over .... it’s better a Mythbusters 2 than another haunted garbage or stupid aliens or phony balony nonsense

Me & T knows, That red interior is AWESOME!

The one we had was dark blue lower half, and then light blue all the way up to the top. Yes, it was Beauville, and ours didn’t have the running boards either ... Just that link I send was the closest looking picture I could find on the net with a quick search. I do remember my dad being excited because it had a v8, I

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia!

Good question, I’m curious too. Though I’m hoping I have the patience to deal with my super slow rusty bluebaru until the 2020 mustang comes out with the hybrid .... (or, maybe I’ll go upmarket if I can find a good deal on a good GS450h, M35h, q50h, or any 25+/30+ mpg car which is also very comfortable for tall and

How does it “give you time” ?

Agree 100% with wkiernan.

So a Race track took 52 years of abuse between 1909 and 1961 without being resurfaced. How come we can’t get roads that last that long without resurfacing?

7k. That is painful. I thought the 2-3K for head gaskets in my 08 fozzy was bad. Won’t complain too much since the car is at 126k now and otherwise has been reliable.

One of the best FWD cars, perhaps the best of it’s era. My mom had one of those for a while!

1st car I ever drove (not with parents permission, they still don’t know) 1st gen Mercury Grand Marquis, Grey with the stripe on the side just like this one. It had been my grandfathers car, he sold it to my uncle when he got himself a new Buick LeSabre in the early 90s. I was like 10, my uncle let me drive the

Finally had some downtime to watch a movie and this is what I chose. It was not disappointing at all. Great production value, great acting, and while the BMW was a nice treat, that Porsche is just perfect. Overall this is a solid film. I hope others had a chance to watch it!