Yessir! And Subaru boxer engines are bulletproof. They don’t every have head gasket problems around 100-125k miles.
Yessir! And Subaru boxer engines are bulletproof. They don’t every have head gasket problems around 100-125k miles.
That was excellent. Skid plate racing looks insane and fun. Mike and Raphael were great, and of course Jalopnik’s “best human” Jason was magnificent. Looking forward to Episode 2! I hope the “business” side is happy with it and doesn’t stifle things too much.
I will ask what I believe we are all thinking.
This looks fantastic!
Yay it showed up on my listing so I could tell my DVR to record it!
Sweet ... CAV isn’t fooling around. More info for others who may not know anything about them ....
I don’t want to wait 25 years to get one here in the states. :(
Dude! I’ve dreamed of driving 911's around jet skis but I’m afraid I’d hydrolock the engine :(
<borat voice>
High Five!
Aye, I’ve got the 2nd gen non-turbod fozzy with the boring 4 speed auto. It’s OK as a DD with just me on flat land. slow like 10 seconds to 60, but meh.
Seems like the only advice to give folks like that is a reality check.
Whatever bank decided it would be a good idea to give out a loan without requiring gap insurance now going to lose $3000.
Have you ever driven uphill or pulled a load?
That is hilariously awesome.
Autopilot is the most accurate term for Tesla’s system without inventing a new word.
I hate congestion and traffic. I’m perfectly happy driving through hundreds of miles of cornfields. The worst for me is the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago.
my car is most time-efficient the fastest speed possible. Any slower, and time is wasted! To me, time efficiency is MUCH more critical than fuel efficiency. really ought to open up speed limits on many highways up well beyond 100mph and strictly enforce left lane discipline.
All hail the mighty 2cv!
Such a party pooper!