
At this point, I have no intentions to file any claim, just as I never had any intentions to take money from this gentleman. I just wanted to get his info (as a precaution), assess the damage, and then find a way to get to Toledo.

I learned two things visting Lane in Nashville.

It’s registered here in Estonia as an “1956 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN.”

Yeah, the tourx was cool but not as cool as a 2018 v60 for $23k

I hope he comes to learn why he was so wrong and goes on to talk to other young men who’ve been radicalized about why hate and violence aren’t the answer.

While I am not totally opposed to @tommcparland or @davidtracy suggestions (they are surprisingly rational for a change), the answer is Subaru Forester. Good space, good mpg, reliable. And most important, since she is a traveling nurse she may end up in places that have a great deal of snow, so AWD is a must!

Simone is awesome and really funny. She recently went through some scary brain surgery too, but was able to come out the other side. Funny thing about the electric truck...we used to have that very thing back in the early 1900s, they’re perfect for the shorter travel they would have like on worksites. Of course, the

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!

I know these lowlife mother fuckers were emboldened by the election of Trump. Not that they weren’t unrepentant scumbags before but now they were thinking “Someone that thinks just like we do is now in charge.” For real one of the things all Democratic candidates need to be running on is shit like this. Sorry I don’t

My spouse works for law enforcement. It’s a good group. No, really. When they get calls of “suspicious black men”, first they demand to know what the poor soul is doing that’s so suspicious (almost always nothing), then they bitch out the caller for wasting their time. They regularly train in deescalation and conflict

No gripe, just pointing out the fine print.

They’re (debatably) ugly on the outside, but the interior is very nice and comfortable.

for the sake of some pretend-drama on a Netflix show

Your argument is valid and cogent with one exception: Artificially low speed limits.

Fuck speed cameras.

FWIW, I think Munro was probably right on the money both times.

As far as big wild cats go, cheetahs are by far the most friendly and docile towards humans, because they don’t see us as either threatening or as edible, and unlike most big cats they’re not chiefly ambush predators so if it’s not actively chasing you or acting aggressive you’re probably safe.

Being better than human and still hitting this woman are not mutually exclusive.

Self driving cars likely are better than humans already...are we requiring that they be perfect? Because that’s impossible.

Unfortunately, in spite of your life being difficult in a number of ways simply being white is all that’s necessary to have white privilege. However, this doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it just means that you won’t be able to completely understand the perspective of non-white people.

Signed, a white guy.