
Random Breath Testing has been in place in Australia for decades and has proven an effective deterrent and had a real impact on the amount of accidents due to drunk driving, particularly single vehicle accidents. Personally I think with over 10,000 deaths due to drunk drivers in the US each year, targeted random

She posted it on her twitter though so I guess she's okay with people judging her.

Jason collins is a terrible abomination and i am horrified of the effect he will have on our nations children.

You have a choice. Free Market says you can get a job somewhere else.


He's not working "For Chrysler", he's working "For Himself" at a "Chrysler Plant" and being paid by "Chrysler".

"In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union."

This is no different than a couple guys I know who are LEO's; anti-union, anti "big Government" and admittedly neo-cons, they are also GULP... Government employees and members of a public sector union, by their own measures the worst kind of union. Basically a self-hating unionist.

Somewhat Immortal for a While

Wonders why the male seatmate resisted her advances...



- Daddy, what do you do when you go to work?

Wow, are you me? I could've written. Right down to the last sentence. I'm with you, this insanity dies with me.

I've divorced that guy twice.

Apparently we've all been passing around the same one.

Soooo ... if married men continued to dress like single men then they would be constantly faced with temptation? Sure...

I'm so, so sorry you married my ex-husband.

I used to be a healthy eater before I began dating my husband. I blame him for introducing me to Chinese take out, buffalo wings, and chilli.

I've saved myself the trouble and let myself go before marriage.