
No, genius, as a lesbian I could point out the fallacy of a woman needing to be the "wife" archetype in a relationship. Further, I could point out that Dunst made that statement as a general rule which should apply to all women, and not just the way she feels about her own relationships, which is another gross

To answer your first question, it's worse because the government pays and arms this person to protect people, and instead he preyed on them. So in addition to the crime, his actions were a violation of his duty and [further] undermine the trust that is necessary between the police and the policed to make our whole

Exactly. Plus, puppies are so exhausting (in the best possible way), they actually make you tired enough to get some sleep.

If you continue to do your chores and behave maybe You'll keep him. After all thatS why He StaYs.

Mmm, no. Shitty opinions, both specific and general as hers were, deserved to called out and questioned harshly. Just because its an opinion/personal observation doesn't make it immune to the -isms and -phobias (sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia) of being a crappy person.

Perhaps these will suffice?

The #1 emotion I feel right now is annoyance at her ignorance but a close second is, I just feel kind of sad for her. When we say we "have to" or "need to" fill a certain role, we're naturally limiting ourselves by saying "I need to prioritize and focus my energy primarily on this, no matter what my other

Everything she said was fine when she was expressing her personal relationship desires... Then she explained that heteronormative gender roles in relationships are what make them work. Ummm, no. That kind of statement should be questioned and quashed "quickly and harshly."

lololol. When I got married, my mother-in-law pointed out it would now be "my job" to keep a clean house and do all the cooking. I replied "I already have a job, and an education, and a legitimate badass career I've worked hard for." When she replied "oh yeah but you can do both roles" I was like "so, what is your son

Aww man, I knew she lived in a pastel, cotton candy macaroon fantasy land but I didn't realize it was a patriarchy there.

And sometimes, you need your knight in shining armour.

Surely it works for the man who gets to benefit from both her income and willingness to take over all the household duties. Balance....LMAO

hahaha, oh Kirsten. STFU.

Ohhhh noooooooo no no no, don't talk anymore.

You need a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman.

As a lesbian, I could point out the logical fallacies in Ms. Dunce, I mean, Dunst's statements, but I'll instead let Amy Poehler tell a story about Kirsten's dating prospects:

So...she wants women to have jobs and financially support the family AND take care of all the traditional household duties? Shit somehow that's even worse than just expecting women to sit at home and cook and clean.

Nope. You need one person to be a person, and the other person to also be a person, and for those people to complement or challenge or balance each other, depending on the people and the relationship. Although I guess you do need one of the people to either cook or be good at takeout.

ETA: the above assumes there are

what about same sex relationships?

It's important to remember that if you think Russia is a geopolitical threat, you're living in the 1980s and should be ashamed.