
This is deadspin you fucking cuck tranny lover. It’s nothing but useless assholes that work at Starbucks failing at their attempts to be witty. Trump is your president. He’ll be your president for a long time cuck. Unless you want to move to Canada where there is now compelled speech being enforced by fascistic

Better than moving to Thailand for something 12 years old right?

Over two dozen Coptic Christians were slaughtered by Muslims this week and Jezebel didn’t deem it worthy to write about. This shit goes both ways.

Fun fact.

At an olympic level sure but most kids never get there. Gymnastics does develop strength, flexibility, coordination and overall athleticism. It’s a great sport to start kids in.

I don’t have kids either, so I personally haven’t had a kid who wanted more than anything to compete in [whatever sport]. However, I have been such a kid. All I thought about when I was 5, 6, 7, or so was playing soccer, baseball, football, etc. If my parents had stopped me from playing AYSO, or Little League, or

The same reasons as any other sport: friends do it, talented, helps kids learn about working hard, dedication, team work, perserverence, etc. There are plenty of pros to sports beyond college scholarship or participating in the olmypics.

Breaks the internet is the fucking dumbest must meaningless phrase on the internet, Hats fucking off for using it

Should he say, fuck it, I’m done? I have zero horses in this race. I’ll stick with a guy all fucking day that believes he can still get it done. It’s gotta be disheartening playing triple A at his point, with his money. Where’s the joke? This guys going to work trying to get back.

He also had 12 other BMWs stored in the parking lot of the company he worked for.

You’ve never had a job that required you to clean a public women’s bathroom, have you?

you could certainly do a lot worse in the US than Tuscaloosa. Where do you live?

Day? Sheeeit, bars here don’t close until 4 AM, man.

We spend all these years fighting African Pirates, and now we’re supposed to celebrate them?

Robert Edwards comes to mind. He played again, but it took a while and he didn’t last long once he did come back.

Don’t forget the KKK! They love to bring up the Klan as if they’re relevant today (and as if their total lifetime death toll comes anywhere close to the last 15 years of ISIS.)

If only it were 2006, someone would’ve called a foul on Dirk Nowitzki for him.

Not only that, but Jezebel will never mention the epidemic of domestic violence among black men. This story, along with the San Bernadino school shooting, and all they write is a generic article about DV. They do mention that black women suffer from homicidal DV at twice the rate of white women, but say nothing on the

The OP’S response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”

Yup, a milder PSA about the benefits of not wearing seat belts is definitely the way to go.