
Welcome to the liberal purity test... where you’re not really a liberal (and therefore you are forever and inexorably a racist, bigoted, piece of shit) unless you meet every arbitrary standard set forth by the judge.

This movie is so overrated. Liberal white guilt.

I think bringing up “white colonization in in an interview about acting is a sign of mental illness.

Largely for the intimidation factor. Also, it was developed partly for clearing out cave systems and the IEDs protecting them. What’s everybody’s problem with it exactly?

Sun Tzu says: “use your most powerful weapons immediately, and without prior consideration.”

The most surprising thing about this list is that six of them were good picks. I would never have guessed the number was that high.

How the hell have we reached the point where the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice is confined to “shit we couldn’t cover today”?

wow, a sport that makes no money is cancelled, thats horrifying

Tough shit. Do you know how devestated I was when the college I attended refused to offer me a scholarship for competative jerking off?

First test for Coach Strong- there is absolutely no reason why Childs should remain on the team if he was the one who pulled his gun first. Naturally, if Childs was good, I would firmly believe that this is a teaching moment. Fortunately, we have plenty of talent at safety and Childs was never very good.

When I was a kid (the only time I played organized bball) everyone just attempted to fire elbow passes everywhere like White Chocolate.

With me it was guys who were trying to emulate Magic by throwing no look passes without possessing his quickness or court vision.

If you think it’s bad with 23 year olds, try watching (or in my case, coaching) a game with 10-year olds. Warriors b-ball is all they know. They seem to have absorbed the “lesson” of the deep 3, and discarded the part where Curry has an outrageous handle and thus can also drive it to the rim.

I think we have to call it TWO huge boners because that last fucking shot selection was horrible. They’d basically been getting easy layups for the last few possessions, and you bomb a three from like 4 ft behind the arc with time left on the shot clock?? What the hell are you doing?

I don’t think that celebrity endorsements / opposition are as effective as people like to believe.

Yeah, Hillary lost the election because not enough celebrities spoke out.

Given what a welfare case the WNBA is, I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess.... no, no they don’t.

Are you new around here? All DV and rape accusers MUST be believed. Them’s the rules. Also, they’d be even more harsh if it was a white guy.

unbelievable that they would hold a gun to the head of USA hockey 2 weeks before the world championship. they should cut them all. The US national team is not a professional hockey team. the women’s professional league is struggling to make it, they have just cut salaries. If the interest isn’t there for them to

Your list is laughably stupid. The Nazi’s had no love of corporations, and Facism is inheretly a collectivist activity. They also didn’t have a “mass media” so much as one state controlled media entity, and Trump has made no push to it. And, despite Trumps claims, there haven’t been fraudulent elections! Not a one!